ABCD - 1

The only begotten Son - John 1:18

stevision 2017. 4. 17. 11:31

The original Korean text:


“No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. (Jn 1:18, KJV)”


Self-existing beings have the following characteristics.


1. They have neither beginning nor end, but are everlasting.


2. The size of the components of their existence is infinite.


3. There cannot be more than one being of the same kind; there is only one being of that kind.


4. They exist in their own sphere of existence.


5. Only God, space, and time are self-existing beings. Time and space are inanimate while only the God is an eternal living being. Therefore time and space are beings that exist 'of themselves' while only the God is one who exists 'by himself'.


(To give an explanation on the fourth sentence, God exists in himself just as space exists in space and time exists in time.)


For example, the self-existing space, the three-dimensional space, is infinite in size, exists everlastingly, and there is only one space. Let's think of the time, another self-existing being. Time flows on infinitely without beginning or end, and there is only one time. (Of course, there can be several kinds of time relativistically, but they are phenomenal times, that is, secondary times that man cognizes in the original absolute time.) It can be said that there is only one entity of a being if such a kind has infinite size of the components of its being. There can be only one space when the space has an infinite volume, three-dimensional space, as its element of being.


The God Christians confess is One who is self-existing. Therefore he has no beginning, no end, and is everlasting; and the elements of his being (for example, the number (of the simultaneous operations) of consciousness, wisdom, memory, and calculative ability, etc.) are infinite, so there can be only one God. (But, strictly speaking, God is not a composition of some elements of existence. His being is homogeneous, pure, and infinite as the space is.)


Time cannot be said to exist in space. Since a man exists in space, he can't exist in another place outside his body. Considering only the space above his navel, only half of his being exists in that space; considering the whole space from the sole to the crown, you can find his whole being there. However 100% of the time is on the half of the whole space, and 100% of the time is on the world of a very small atom, and 100% of the time even is on non-spacial (volumeless) places such as points, lines, and planes in the space. Considering this, it can be said that the time, existing itself in 'the dimension of its being', relates to (or is on) the whole space.


The same is true when we consider the relationship between God and space. God exists himself in 'the dimension of his being' outside the three-dimensional space. God exists not in the space but in himself, that is, in God himself, and has relation to the whole space. This means that not half of the entire God but 100% of the entire God can exist in half the whole space, and that 100% of the entire God can even exist (or come) in a small space. Therefore it can be said that God exists not in the space but in himself. And we can say that God does not exist in the space, since spacial extension (three-dimensional volume) does not belong to the being of God as a component of his being. Therefore we can say that God exists at a metaphysical distance from the three-dimensional space. And the place where God is can be called 'the (metaphysical) space of the dimension of the existence of God', or be called just 'the God (as a (metaphysical) locus)'. (God can distinguish two points in the space that are infinitely close, as the time does. God's hand can touch the entire infinite space as the time does.)


When a woman conceives a child, the child grows in her womb, however both the child and the mother do not exist in the same space but occupy different spaces and exist in two places. The two bodies are different and separated from each other. The pregnant mother and her child are two persons, not one.


What about God? God (the Father) wanted to have through himself his Son (God the Son) who had the same essence (the same nature, the same divinity). The result was that the Son didn't appear in the three-dimensional space but in the dimension of the existence of God as a God (who had an equal divinity with the Father); because the Father's begetting was accomplished in the dimension of God (or in the God the Father himself), and the Son was a God who can exist only in the dimension of the existence of God. Therefore, figuratively speaking, the place where the Son, who had appeared by the begetting process of the Father, was was 'in the bosom of the Father (Jn 1:18). The incarnated Son said, "Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. (Jn 14:11)" This can be a figurative expression of the situation that the two Persons (the Father and the Son) build one substance in the dimension of the existence of God. (So the two can be called one God in existence.) In principle, there is only one God. When God wants to have a Son who has the same divinity as God himself in that situation, the result can be just two Persons who are not two separate Gods, but who have a complete divinity, nevertheless are one divine substance.


(This blog 'Dongtoma Sunshine Church' is in the computer storage device of the portal site Naver. The content of the memory is the blog, and let it be called the father-blog. And the father-blog can be written in the storage device once more, and let the second blog be called the son-blog. And the content of the son-blog can be sent to your computer to be realized in your computer. And let the 3rd blog on your computer be called the spirit-blog. Then three blogs exist simultaneously, but they are not three separate blogs but the only blog 'Dongtoma Sunshine Church'. There is one blog of three personal blogs, the father-blog, the son-blog and the spirit-blog. There is only one will in three personal blogs. And each of three personal blogs has the same content, the same nature of blog. This can be an illustration of the Trinity of Christianity. The Holy Spirit is the God sent into the space by the Father and the Son. )