ABCD - 1

God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - Ex 3:6

stevision 2018. 7. 17. 16:30

The original Korean text:

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Moses had lived like a prince in Egypt until the age of 40. Because of the murder, he fled to the land of Median. There he spent 40 years as a shepherd, and when he was eighty years old, he met God at Horeb. God said to him then, "I am the God of your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Go back to Egypt, and deliver my people and lead them to Canaan."

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God of Christianity is not an abstract God of human thought. The God of Christianity is the one who calls people to himself, reveals himself to them, and works through them in the history. We know this from the fact that God defined himself to Moses as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

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The God of Abraham called out Abraham from the land of idols and promised him great fortune of the future. Abraham obeyed these words of God and left his hometown and moved to the land of Canaan, where he lived as a stranger until his death. And the God of Abraham is the God who commands Abraham to sacrifice what is most precious to him (that is Isaac, his only son whom he begot at the age of 100). Abraham actually tried to kill his son to obey this commandment, but God stopped him at the last minute.

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The God of Isaac is one who demands that man sacrifice even his life if necessary. Isaac didn't resist his father's will when he tried to kill Isaac and offer him to God.

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Then, what is the God of Jacob? The God of Jacob is one who begins to help human beings in earnest. By the providence of God, Jacob had 4 wives and 12 sons. And the famine (God's providence) made Jacob's family migrate to Egypt. The descendants of Jacob greatly increased in number while living in Egypt, the super power of the time. So when the number of the people was large enough to conquer the land of Canaan, God called Moses and ordered him to bring out the people from Egypt. Beloved ones say to each other, "You are mine, and I am yours". By saying that he is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, God wants us to know that he is theirs, that is he is ours.

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In order to enjoy the blessings of God, we must first make a change of the direction of life from sinful world to God. Next, we must acknowledge all our possessions as his and live according to his will. Then God becomes our God. God who made heaven and earth has become our possession. Now what is fearful? The whole world is ours!




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