ABCD - 1

The end of Buddhism is the starting point of Christianity - Gen 1:1-4

stevision 2018. 8. 1. 16:25

The original Korean text:



According to a legend, Sakyamuni said right after he was born, "I am the highest one in the universe." It is good and desirable to have self-esteem as a human being, but you will fall into the spell of an extreme subjectivism and miss the truth if you say like that, completely excluding the notion of Creator. Buddhists must first overcome their self-centered philosophy. True truth satisfies subject and object at the same time.


Buddhism is a philosophy of vanity (nothing, emptiness). Buddhist philosophy argues that it is impossible to verify whether one's own being or the outside of his self really exists. Buddhism defines the uncertainty of the existence of such objects as 'nothing'. But it is a useless philosophy. Human life begins by affirming the existence of the self and the existence of the world. This is the stage when a child can distinguish shit from piss. How long will you spend your life proving the existence of the world? Until your death? And can you get a useful view of life from the thought that the ultimate reality of all things is emptiness? Even if they extol emptiness and nothing, even vain echoes will not come back to them.


Buddhism is chaos itself. Buddhism in extreme subjectivism says that everything originates from the human mind. They say, "People think the water in a skull is dirty but the same water, if in a pretty cup, is valuable." There is some truth in it, but real human life is not so simple. Give your precious guests water in a skull. Then you will see the end of the relationship on that day. Perhaps the chief monk of Beopju Temple doesn’t drink water from the skull (every day). How many people are trying to be self-hypnotized in order to recognize such useless philosophy as truth, and are spending much time in order to perceive non-distinction of all things in hallucinations? And some monks make a boast of vimukti(해탈, Buddhistic emancipation), but can the experience of the vimukti last 30 minutes? If you reject the difference of all things because you are in a terrible subjectivism, you will be in terrible chaos.


Buddhism has undesirable outcomes due to its unproven idea of reincarnation. If a distraught toad haunts a house, the people of the house bow to the toad, believing that one of the dead ancestors has been reincarnated to be a toad. It is chaos that humans bow to an abnormal toad. If a child is very similar to an ancient monk, people bow to the child, thinking that the child is a reincarnation of the ancient monk. It is chaos for adults to bow to a child. Why such a chaos? Because Buddhism does not have a right view of God.


What does the Bible say first?

Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

2. The earth was 'without form (>chaos< in Korean version)' and 'void (emptiness)', and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters.

3. And God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.

4. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.


Like this, overcoming the chaos and void of the land, Christianity begins. Wherever the Creator God is, chaos and emptiness are overcome there. Everyone who has God in his heart can overcome the emptiness of nothing and be filled with truth, goodness and beauty because of God who is the origin thereof. Every one who has God in his heart knows what is holy and what is true value, and can lead an orderly life. Christians see what is close to God's attribute as sacred and precious, and what is far from that as low and dirty.


Chaos and emptiness take place where there is no God, in man and in society. But when God comes into there, the chaos and the emptiness are overcome. Buddhism can be a somewhat great wisdom for those who have an atheistic view of life. But such Buddhist philosophy is not true truth. Overcoming this Buddhist philosophy built up by human wisdom, Christianity speaks of the salvation of human beings.


Buddhistic salvation is to realize the truth and to become Buddha. Isn't Buddha the supreme being of Buddhism? It is the dragon, a spiritual being, that keeps this Buddhist truth. The dragon is keeping the dogma that man can be the supreme being. However, the dragon (or snake) in Christianity symbolizes the Satan. How did the snake make man fall? Satan told a lie that man can be like God if he eat the fruit that make him know the good and the evil. But Christianity explicitly declares that the doctrine of this dragon is false.


The symbol of Christianity is the cross(†). The symbol of Buddhism is 卍, a chinese character. The cross symbolizes the existence of the very objective world. The cross tells of the truth that, even if you realize something great, you will be punished by God because of sins you've committed. The cross cries (or represents) the objective punishment. If anyone rejects the love of Christ's cross, eternal punishment awaits him. Buddhist doctrine rejects this objective truth, because Buddhism rejects the existence of God and teaches that one can become Buddha through personal enlightenment. So 卍 has become the symbol of Buddhism(, which is inevitable from a spiritual standpoint.) (卍 is the broken cross, that is, an anti-cross.) Because Buddhism rejects Christian truth.


What is the symbol of Nazi Germany, which killed tens of millions of people? How it resembles the Buddhist symbol! Nazi was a dictatorial party of Germany, a nation that was a Christian nation but trampled on love, the symbol of Christianity. Buddhism is the theoretical Satan while the German Nazi is the practical Satan. These two trample on the values and truths of Christianity that the cross represents. I have heard a Buddhist monk teach that Satan was their master. Of course he might have said that to show that he had overcome the distinction between god and satan.


Some of the words I have said so far may have come from my ignorance and misunderstanding. But all in all, my arguments are probably right. I've written this not to debase Buddhism, but to tell Buddhists to look at the world from a broader perspective, taking into account the different aspects of the truth. Some monks claim that truth is one and that Buddhism and Christianity are one, but I wrote this to show that they are wrong.



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