ABCD - 1

Sermon(Ps 3): Enemies of the saints

stevision 2019. 4. 5. 11:31

The original Korean text:




Scripture reading:

1 O Lord, how many are my foes! Many are rising against me;

2 many are saying of me, there is no help for him in God. Selah

3 But thou, O Lord, art a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.

4 I cry aloud to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy hill. Selah

5 I lie down and sleep; I awake again, for the Lord sustains me.

6 I am not afraid of ten thousands of people who have set themselves against me round about.

7 Arise, O Lord! Deliver me, O my God! For thou doest smite all my enemies on the cheek, thou dost break the teeth of the wicked.

8 Deliverance belongs to the Lord; thy blessing be upon thy people! - Ps 3 -

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David king of Israel composed this poem Ps 3 in the danger of life while he was fleeing from the rebellion of his own son Absalom. He saw how futile the life was, so he wrote a poem in such a chaos. David had many wives. Therefore, the sons and daughters of David are half brothers and half sisters against each other. Absalom had a sister named Tamar. Their mother is the same woman. But Amnon, David's eldest son, loved his half-sister Tarmar and raped her and deserted her. It's a pity! Amnon could have become a king after David if he had lived a little carefully when young. You must be careful not to do what you must not do to satisfy the momentary pleasure, destroying others' precious life. It is stupidity itself. At last Absalom killed Amnon to avenge his sister's grudge. He ran away to his mother's native country. His mother was from the neighboring country. When several years had passed, David's anger was softened. Absalom returned to his father's country. He enticed the hearts of the people and confronted his father second time. He had killed the eldest son of his father before, but now he would do away with his own father.

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What was the cause? Why did David have so many enemies all of a sudden? It is because David has committed a crime publicly and has lost the support of the people. There was a sin of David which all the common people could know. David called Bathsheba, the wife of his subordinate Uriah, to his palace and slept with her during the war. A lady living near the palace came into the palace by the invitation of David, and the next day she left the palace at dawn. A month later, her husband Uriah was briefly summoned by the king David during the war, but after meeting the king, Uriah didn't go home. Uriah returned to the battlefield and died immediately after returning. But strangely enough, the woman living near the palace became David's wife and gave birth to a son eight or nine months after her first husband's death . How strange it is! This strange rumor escaped the palace and spread throughout Israel until it came to the ears of the army.

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People could trust David no longer. No matter how great achievements he has achieved, even a great king like David can't restore his damaged honor by anything if he has made such a big mistake. Considering what has happened to loyal Uriah, the soldiers of Israel can't find the reason why they should fight for David and his kingdom, risking their lives. Especially David who lived all his life for God’s sake was the pride of the people of Israel who were faithful to God, but now he is just a shameful king to those who have witnessed his mean acts. Whenever they saw Bathsheba, David's wife, they could not trust him at all. 'Oh, that hypocrite!'

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Once a person begins to doubt another person, it's a great disaster. No remedies work. Ask him or her who has a delusional jealousy of the marriage partner. "Is your wife credible?" "Of course, no!" "Is your husband credible?" "Oh, no!" Even if the partner acts most honestly, the sufferer of morbid jealousy interprets it as a smoke-screen tactics, so there is no remedy for this mental disease. This kind of disease can be cured only when the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, comes and expels the spirit of doubt and falsity. When Absalom son of David planned the rebellion, the Israelites had already had collective doubts about the king. So David king of Israel had many enemies suddenly.

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But David did not just sit and die. He knew that this unfortunate incident resulted from the sin of the murder of Uriah. However, David would have killed not only Uriah but also secretly Bathsheba if he had been a thoroughly evil-minded politician. David was a man who did not shirk his responsibility for his wrongdoing. So he took Bathsheba, the widow of Uriah, to wife although there could be people's reproach, and promised her that he would hand down the throne to Solomon whom he begot by her because he felt very sorry for her. My brethren, this is repentance. If you think that others have suffered by you, you must not only seek God's forgiveness of your sins but also make a thorough compensation to the victims and see that they feel discomfort no more. We must follow David's repentance. If you make others shed tears, and pray God to forgive your sins, and offer some money, then live as if nothing had happened, (and if God pardons your sins,) he is not the God of forgiveness but a judge who loves bribes. Therefore Jesus said, "If you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. (Mt 5:23-24)" David, after accidentally killing Uriah, did not kill his wife who could end his political life, because he was a conscientious man. God, seeing his mind, sent Nathan the prophet and reproved his sins, and declared that his sin was forgiven, and that, nevertheless, many of his descendants would be killed by swords as punishment of the sin. The forgiveness of sin means that the relationship between God and David is recovered. The rampage of the sword in David's house means that God as a fair judge has to punish David for his sin. God's forgiveness is the promise that David will be restored to a son of God and will go to heaven. God's punishment is the justice of God. How much would Uriah, who was robbed of his wife and killed early, feel chagrined and unfairly treated if there is no such punishment upon David? Am I wrong? To God, both David and Uriah are his people. No difference! God's love and justice forgives sins but holds the criminal responsible for the sins. Therefore, if we are forgiven sins, we must not lose our heart because of the punishment, thinking the punishment is the evidence that God has deserted us. God is still loving you while he punishes you for your sins. Punishing you for your sins has the purpose to make you a more mature Christian. In general, God will bless you twice as much as he punishes you, so that you may be comforted. He is always God of love. Hallelujah!

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At this critical time, David recalls the forgiveness of God that he heard from Nathan the prophet of God. He prays to God earnestly. "My God, people say I sinned and am deserted by God, and that I am done. But I remember that you forgave my sins. My God, save my life! My Lord, you are my shield, my glory and the lifter of my head. I have so many enemies. But you can slap my enemies on the cheek and break their teeth. Even if I have 10 million enemies, I will not be afraid of them at all if you help me. Lord, please come and help me!"

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God answered David's eager prayer. The number of his soldiers was much less than that of his opponents, but his army defeated his enemies. Now the Israelites thought, 'Oh, we thought David was forsaken by God, so that he was doomed. But as it is he is not forsaken. Maybe God really has forgiven all his sins. We'll surely be defeated if we fight David whom God has forgiven completely. Perhaps David has returned to an honest man that he used to be.' My brethren, at last the symptoms of doubt about the king have disappeared from the Israelites! They come to think from the miraculous triumph of David that David is still a useful king who still gets recognition from God. So all Israelites made David king again, and he lived a peaceful life as an honorable king to the end.

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A matter to be cleared is Absalom and his followers. We can have a little sympathy for Absalom when he killed his half-brother Amnon who had raped his sister Tarmar. But it is immorality never to be forgiven for him to rebel against his father and to try to kill him. By the way, some disgruntled people sided with this immoral guy to drive out David and his men and to occupy high positions. All those with whom David had no direct relationship of grudge but who would kill David became opponents of David, and ended their lives on the day when God sided with David. God does not like those who try to harm their neighbors who have nothing to do with them. You must be careful about that. Do not be an opponent against him who has nothing to do with you, even though he sinned before. Of course, even though he has done something wrong to you, you should forgive him as the Lord said. Do not confront indiscreetly him who believes in God, because he may have been already pardoned by God like David. Of course, you should punish him if it is God's order. But you should not be his adversary, which smells of illegality.

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My beloved Brethren! David committed murder, adultery, and destruction of a family. No crime is more grievous than this. But David was forgiven by God, and he enjoyed all his riches and glory and reigned in peace until death. Isn't he an enviable man? Are you a little complaining that you've lived only a good and righteous life (but have received nothing special)? Then, have the same faith as David. If you have sinned, repent thoroughly, fulfill your responsibilities to your neighbors, never commit the same sin again, offer an earnest prayer to God in times of trouble. Believe firmly that he will surely forgive you, help you and give you a wonderful victory. There may be a lot of adversaries against you, but you don't have to be afraid of their number even if it is ten million; if you have restored the right relationship with God. Do not be scared and discouraged. Do not stop praying in despair. God pardoned such a grave sinner as David and granted him such a wonderful life. How much more will he help you who have lived only a good and righteous life? Have faith!

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May God drive away all your enemies!

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Chong Tack Kim

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