ABCD - 1

Sermon(2 Sam 17:23): Suicide is not right

stevision 2019. 5. 25. 17:28

The original Korean text:




>> When Ahithophel saw that his counsel was not followed, he saddled his ass, and went off home to his own city. And he set his house in order, and hanged himself; and he died, and was buried in the tomb of his father. (2 Sam 17:23) <<

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Almost all entertainers who committed suicide these days are Christians. Actress Lee, a female singer, a female TV star who committed suicide recently - all of them are Christians. It is shameful to commit suicide; it is much more shameful to be necropsied by men. It's a pity indeed. Some people having incurable diseases seem to kill themselves to suffer less. Some people kill themselves because they were so badly defamed and embarrassed. Sometimes a family choose collective suicide due to hardship of life.

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Is it justifiable to commit suicide when there is no hope to live and the life is a pain itself? Is it right for a raped woman to kill herself? Can't you commit suicide when you feel it's meaningless to live? Today's biblical text is a rare suicide incident written in the Bible. Ahithophel had been David's counselor before. His wisdom was so great that nothing that he told turned out to be wrong. But David took Bathsheba, the granddaughter of Ahithophel, and killed her husband Uriah. So Ahithophel became David's enemy when Absalom rebelled against his father David and Ahithophel became Absalom's counselor. However Absalom didn't accept Ahithophel's suggestion that they should chase David immediately, but gave ear to Hushai whom David had left as a spy. Now the situation was for David. So Ahithophel packed his bag, went home, arranged his house, and hanged himself. Some say that he committed suicide because he was not recognized by Absalom, others say that he did so because he already knew David would win the battle so that he would certainly be retaliated. Maybe he did so either because his pride was hurt thanks to Absalom's refusal of his advice or because he realized there was no way for him to live after all.

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Brethren, we must first consider if Ahithophel has any responsibility for having fallen into such a situation before we think about the suicide of Ahithophel itself. Sometimes you can fall into such a difficult situation by your own sins and mistakes. We must learn a lesson from his suicide especially when we think of the case that some people commit suicide after they ignore God's will, stick to their will and fall into a deep pit. Ahithophel was David's counselor, and David did wicked things to his granddaughter and grandson-in-law, nevertheless, it was by his artifice and foolish courage that he had rancor against David and took part in the treason of Absalom. If the rebellion fails, he must give up his life. So if he had asked God about his will in such a situation, God would have forbidden him to do so. But if Ahithophel had been sinning against God and was to receive God's punishment, there would be no answer from God, or Devil would told him to participate in the treason, deceiving him as if it had been God's word.

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What does it mean? Suicide is a kind of result of previous life. Sometimes suicide is God's judgment. He who disobeys God every day will happen to take a wrong way that leads to death, thinking it to be a way of life. Someone, pursuing a vain dream, gets into the path of death stubbornly, although God warned him many times and he warned him not to enter into the way through many people many times. "There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way to death. (Prov 14:12)" You'll get no answer from God though you supplicate God for help the moment you have to eat the fruit of disobedience, if you have ignored God's warning for a long time. God kept himself silent completely when Saul who had disobeyed him for a long time prayed to him in difficult situation.

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My beloved brethren, do not enter the road if it is a forbidden road. God is sincere. So he will certainly forbid us through various channels if we foolishly intend to take a wrong road, not knowing it is a wrong way. You must obey him then! You must stop entering the road even if you have every good reason to take the road, if God forbids you. Ahithophel had a good reason to avenge himself on David, but God didn't want David to be driven out by his son Absalom. Therefore he should have heard God's warning and should have not participated in the rebellion. If Ahithophel was a righteous man before God, maybe God warned him.

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My brethren, however, a real problem arises with you when you have strength and ability to do something. And it can be a crisis for you when there are not obstacles in your way. For example, it is not easy to do something when you are sick, have no money, or have no one to help you. But it is very easy to do things with all that can help you. In fact, you are in the most dangerous situation if you, despite all the objections of God, can do anything just at your decision. Ahithophel was the one who had a good head, who, however, engaged in an adventurous scheme that only needed his wisdom and had to die. He shouldn't have behaved so. “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice. (Prov 12:15)” “Because I have called and you refused to listen, have stretched out my hand and no one has heeded, and you have ignored all my counsel and would have none of my reproof, I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when panic strikes you, when panic strikes you like a storm, and your calamity comes like a whirlwind, when distress and anguish come upon you. Then they will call upon me, but I will not answer; they will seek me diligently but will not find me. Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord, would have none of my counsel, and despised all my reproof, therefore they shall eat the fruit of their way and be sated with their own devices. For the simple are killed by their turning away, and the complacence of fools destroys them; but he who listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of evil. (Prov 1:24-33)” The Bible says there are foolish men who have acted stupidly and stubbornly and reproach God for their failure. Do you feel like committing suicide? Put that thought aside and first look back on your former life that led you to that situation.

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The dead are silent. But God is faithful. Therefore, it is highly likely that those who committed suicide, especially Christians, had disobeyed God seriously before, gone to the way of the world, done what God forbade, lost all, fallen into the unrecoverable situation and into despair. Christians hardly kill themselves because they have no money and nothing to eat so that they have to starve to death. Most of them commit suicide in the wicked mind to keep their self-esteem by death. So especially you must be alert lest Devil kill and destroy you when you permit him to occupy your heart. Devil arouses vanity in the heart of Christians, uses money to defile the holy temple, that is, the body of Christians, destroys their identity as Christian, and makes them kill themselves!

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Therefore obey God before such things happen. Love God more than the world. Above all, do not try to make money in an unjust way. Don't get yourself defiled especially through illegal sex. Everyone, whether male or female, should keep his or her virginity before the marriage, and chastity of the couple after the marriage. If you don't commit dirty sins, you'll not have to commit suicide. Judas Iscariot and Ahithophel went in the forbidden paths and ended their life with suicide. There is no reason why you should commit suicide if you obey Jesus who is the way, truth and life while living in the world. "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. (Jn 10:10)"

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You should not commit suicide even if you are ill or suffer poverty. You should not commit suicide even though you were raped. Do you think that Jesus who raised the dead can't solve your problem? Even if you have an incurable disease, you'd better die a natural death. Of course, it is not recommendable to maintain life with life support devices. Life-support equipments should not hinder the call of God. It is more humble and gracious to live the residual life God permits even if the disease is incurable. Do you really feel like committing suicide because of the poverty? If you are a non-Christian, I'd like you to come to the God of Christianity. one of the ways God calls man is the pain of life. If you are a Christian and suffer from poverty, see if you have sinned concerning money or something else. If you have sinned, repent of your sins and seek God's forgiveness and mercy. If you have served God earnestly, nevertheless if you are so poor as to feel like committing suicide, (I'm sorry to say like this) stop complaining! Just live! You must not kill yourself because you think you are defiled because of the rape, considering Jesus who can cleanse all sins of all mankind including rapists. Many Christians were attacked, raped and killed in old times. God is able to restore our bodies, souls, minds, conscience, and memories clean again.

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Some people commit suicide because they feel meaningless of their life although they are not so poor. There are no men of such kind among Christians. Such men are usually those who harbor decadent thoughts. Atheists belong to them. Some people who refuse to receive in heart the God, who created man and world and who is the origin of the truth, the good and the beauty, and frequently belittle him tend to be infected with this mental disease of meaningless and to end their life with suicide. They meaninglessly enjoy the blessings that God allows to the righteous, find nothing new that they can enjoy with money, suddenly realize that they are not more than animals having money, so they can't find the meaning of life and commit suicide. Some of them commit suicide when old, for they abhor the life of old people itself. In short, they are men of mental disease with full stomach. But there is no meaningless life for us Christians. We are precious. Jesus the God loved us and paid his life to save us. "I love you to death!" - this is the confession of love Jesus speaks to us. We live for him, and die for him. Suicide is a word of another world to such Christians. Do you have any difficulty finding the meaning of life? Come to Christianity. The problem will be solved immediately.

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My brethren, God allows us trials and surely gives us the way to get out of them. But >suicide< is never the way to escape that God gives us. And God never allows the way to die by others' help. God created and blessed man, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth." Have you ever seen animals commit suicide? There are no such animals. There are many animals in the world that die of hunger. Nevertheless no animals commit suicide. They strive hard to live. Can a man, a noble creature, recklessly commit suicide? Whatever we may consider about the excuses for suicide, the root of the suicide is none other than >sin< and >disbelief or distrust in God<. If anyone overcomes these, he can overcome suicide.

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Let's try to encourage each other. After all people commit suicide because it is too hard for them to live. Do not put others into a miserable situation. Bosses, do not fire your employees if possible. Businessmen, do not desert your business counterparts. Do not speak ill of others and remove them from their posts. It is as good as murder to drive someone from his job unjustly. You should honor your husband more if he lives jobless for a long time. If the burden is too heavy, let's bear it together. A woman is a daughter of Devil if she demands divorce from her husband because he is fired. Please do not utter any words that hurt another's pride. Some people, hearing offensive words from others, get outraged and end their life. God will surely reward you twice as much as you have helped others, if you love the lives of other family and allow them a way to live even though you don't live in opulence. God never forgets even a cup of cold water you gave another man and will pay you back with better things. Sometimes relatives are more cold-hearted than others. Don't be so! Help your brothers if you can. Do not only brag about your big money when your family get together. If you have some money, help your neighbors. So you've got a good chance to help your neighbors today. It is a good deed. Do not only boast about your much money.

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May God always bring you into the path of life and the right way to enjoy the blessings of many good descendants and great prosperity.

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Chong Tack Kim

                                    - Dongtoma Sunshine Church -

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