ABCD - 2

A devil in the mask of a pastor

stevision 2023. 3. 15. 16:11

The original Korean text:


There is a pastor named Kim Jin, who is a senior researcher at the Bible Academy. I've read his book, and cannot but write this because of my anger from reading the book he wrote.


This man gave up the uniqueness of the salvation offered by Christianity under the pretext of dialogue between religions. This man believes that it is possible to reach truth and salvation through various religions. According to him, the religions are the various fingers pointing to the truth and salvation. Of course, Christianity is one of them. He says that you are saved not by believing in Christianity but by believing in the Jesus who is beyond all religions, and that believing in Jesus is realizing the kingdom of God. This kingdom of God also is beyond religions, he says. Therefore this man argues that pastors go to heaven, and Buddhist monks to Buddhist paradise, and that the two places are the same.


Mr. Kim, you went abroad to study so called contemporary theology and to get Ph.D. You've come. Now Christians in Korea all must be narrow-minded and ignorant in your eyes, right? You said that Buddhists didn't worship idols when they bowed to Buddha statues, because the Buddhists do not identify Buddha statues with Buddha himself, right?


You put a lot of emphasis on the religious mind, experience and enlightenment. I'm going to disclose how you are religiously ignorant, by disputing just one you mentioned. The idolatry Christianity forbids is to worship and bow to any things other than God, whether they are symbols or realities. God not only forbids us to make forms of man or animals that represent God, but also forbids us to worship something other than God, whether they are real objects or imaginary objects. Foolish man! I mean that both are idolatry, for Buddhists to have Buddha and to worship him, and for them to make symbols representing the Buddha and to bow to them.


Is it funny in your sight that Korean Christians believe in God in a very bigoted way? Do you think Christians are all ignorant? You said that Christians do not even know Christianity itself if they know only Christianity without knowing other religions? What a man! We ordinary Christians understand everything you say. But that's not what faith is. We know what you mean, but we reject your way of thinking.


I as a servant of God cannot but say you're a servant of Devil. Because you participated in the worship of Buddha and bowed to the idol, which God forbids. All your deeds are outside the boundary of faith prescribed by the Bible, and all your plausible arguments are shallow sophistry. Reading your book, I could see that you had never really known or met God.


You said we should respect the salvation experiences of other religions. You said it right! The salvation experience that 99.999999% of Christians except you have had is only Jesus. This Jesus is not in other religions but only in Christianity. So you'd better know about Jesus and the God whom all Christians except you have experienced. This Jesus and this God the Father are the God whom the Old and New Testaments testify.


You said Christians are self-righteous and arrogant, but it seems to me that you're saying too much without knowing anything. Are you greater than Luther? Are you greater than Calvin? Are you greater than Wesley? Are you greater than Paul? I'm not so much great as they. However I believe what they taught. But I firmly reject your shallow theories.


Poor man! Are you shocked to hear that you, a pastor, are a servant of Devil? Don't feel sorry for hearing that because you're not a pastor. You're not a real Christian.