ABCD - 1

You must overcome this

stevision 2017. 1. 18. 10:56

The original korean text:


('s netizen forum, Nov. 3, 2004)



First, you must overcome a stone. You can live as a true human being when you reject to chisel a stone into a statue of human shape and worship it as a god. The Creator God made the man the lord of creation. Nevertheless, if a man bows to a lifeless stone, the God will scold him. How would you feel if your son bows to a beggar passing by? Man is the ambitious work of God. It is for the honor of God to live wisely. For a man to bow to a lump of stone is a foolish act, and it is dishonor with God who created him. He is a wise man who does not succumb to lifeless false gods, and worships the true God of all creatures.


And you must overcome your childish self-dogmatism. You must recognize the limit of your knowledge. For example, a certain ignorant atheist regards it as a decided truth that he hasn't experienced the God, and despises those who believe in God. How childish  this dogmatism is! You will get the wider world if you overcome your childish self-dogmatism. You will discover the world that will give you ten times wider and deeper delight than before, if you accept the truths of Christianity.


And you must overcome infinite greed. Originally, humans were created a couple, Adam and Eve. That one person must have only one marriage partner is the law of God, and is the best way for the happiest life. Those who transgress this law are too avaricious, and ultimately will bring misfortune upon themselves. You'll not live a good human life and enjoy the dignity and delight bestowed upon mankind until you have overcome the greed.




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