ABCD - 1

If you don't know, you'd better believe first

stevision 2017. 2. 2. 13:32

The original korean text:


('s netizen forum, Nov. 11, 2004)


If, because of your somewhat weak intelligent ability, you do not understand the existence of the God when you see the world, it's not bad that you first believe the existence of God then look into the world. Namely, believe (the existence of the God) to know (about him)!


The sciences of the world are not able to explain the origin of the universe or the appearance of living things. Nevertheless, if you, seeing the cosmos, can't believe the existence of God, do as follows.


First believe that the God almighty and omnipotent exists. Then confirm that it's not contradictory that this God created the world and man. And check the thesis that the affairs of the world and the existence of God are not in contradiction. Like this, if you have solved all your questions about the world, now you might as well acknowledge truly the existence of the almighty God. And it is still better for you to believe the existence of God and to live as a believer if such a life is beneficial to you.


But if you find any contradiction between the affairs of the world and the existence of God during the above verification, then go to a near church and discuss the matter with the pastor of the church. If the problem is not solved after the discussion, it's not too late for you to deny the existence of God then. (However, even now the hasty conclusion that God doesn't exist shouldn't be final since you can't prove the non-existence of God forever.)



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