ABCD - 1

The limit of science

stevision 2017. 1. 26. 14:54

The original korean text:

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('s netizen forum, Nov. 11, 2004)

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Some of the physicists say that there was in the vacuum a huge explosion of the singularity whose total energy, i.e. positive energy plus negative energy, was zero, which caused the present universe to come out. They present us, as the basis, quantum physics, especially the uncertainty principle. According to the uncertainty principle, the momentum and the location of a particle cannot be measured with infinite accuracy at the same time, nor can the energy and the time of a particle. (They say no one can deny altogether the existence of some energy somewhere in the pure vacuum according to the uncertainty principle.)

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Here is a question. So, was this universe created by quantum physics? Then, is the quantum physics formula the creator of the universe? But there was no quantum physics formula when there was neither human beings nor material substance in the whole space. Which is prior, hen or egg? A more intelligent answer should be that first the material substance (or the energy) came to exist (owing to some extraphysical causes), then the laws of quantum physics, the laws of physics, was given to that material substance.

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And you have to know another fact. According to Schrödinger equation, a formula of quantum physics, you cannot apply the uncertainty principle to the pure vacant space absolutely devoid of any energy or any matter. Because (the uncertainty principle was derived from Schrödinger equation, and) Schrödinger equation is an equation of energy, time and space. If at first there is no energy, you can get nothing with any equation! one might ask, “How can you conclude that the energy is zero? Don’t you know the uncertainty principle?” However, the principle of uncertainty is applicable only when there is already any matter (or any energy) somewhere in the space. (The uncertainty of physical quantity is just that of something that was expressed in Schrödinger equation. So no energy, then no Schrödinger equation, then no application of the uncertainty principle!)

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Therefore modern science must quickly give up the superstition that a singularity came into being accidently in the absolute vacuum and has become the present universe. (It is no more than a science fiction.)

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