ABCD - 1

The Law of Exchange & The Law of Filling - Rom 1:18-32

stevision 2018. 9. 6. 16:00

The original Korean text:

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In the Bible, you see that God's blessings and punishments are given on the basis of careful, detailed judgments. Today's biblical text shows well for what reason God punishes sinners.

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First, God punishes sinners based on 'the law of exchange'. When men do not worship the true God as God, but instead worship the idols having the shapes of man, animal, and insect, God says to them, "You've exchanged the true God for false gods. Therefore, the true things will be exchanged for the false things in you." It is a grave sin to change the glory of the precious God into the forms of animals and worms. Thus, God makes, in man, the originally natural thing perverse, and the originally perverse thing natural, that is, he changes the rational to the irrational, the irrational to the rational. A good example for this is homosexuality. It is natural for man and woman to love each other and have children and live happily, but among the reprobate, some men has strong lust for men, and some women for women, and they commit homosex. The phenomenon that happens to those who don't serve God rightly is that they live a crazy life but think it is normal. (Homosexuality itself is a punishment of God for idolatry. Of course man will be punished for the homosex itself, too.)

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God punishes sinners also based on ‘the law of filling’. Man hates to love God and keep him in his heart, so God fills the man's heart with minds he (God) hates. Thus, the hearts of those who hate God are filled with unrighteousness, ugliness, greed, evil, envy, murder, conflict, fraud, vice, arrogance and rebellion. What is truly terrifying is that God fills the sinner's mind with foolishness. How foolish it is for a man to go to a place where bullets rain even though he knows he will die if he goes there! And how foolish you are if you, knowing clearly that you will die if you go there, encourage people to go there with you, saying the place is wonderful! This foolishness is done by those who dislike God. They know they will perish if they keep committing such dirty sins, nevertheless they encourage people to do it together, saying it is a good deed.

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Originally, there are the good and wise mind and the evil and foolish mind together in man. And he can live a good and wise life if the good and wise Spirit of God is in him. However if he dislikes God and his Spirit leaves him, he will be led by his greed and live wantonly and get punished like that. Who of those that commit sins is not led by his greed? So the responsibility for all the sins mentioned above lies with the sinners themselves.

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By the way, some homosexuals, the homosexual psychopaths, say that they love God and God loves them - a crazy claim! What happened? To say truth, the god they have met and served is an evil spirit who pretends to be the God. The true God is the one who has given us the above verses of Romans. Even if we explain kindly like this, stubborn psychopaths reject the right teachings and live in addiction to homosex. These stubborn psychopaths will live forever in the most painful places of hell, gnashing their teeth.

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