ABCD - 2

Sermon(Gen 45:1-5): Joseph realized his dream

stevision 2021. 4. 10. 11:33

The original Korean text:


>> 1 Then Joseph could not control himself before all those who stood by him; and he cried, “Make every one go out from me.” So no one stayed with him when Joseph made himself known to his brothers. 2 And he wept aloud, so that the Egyptians heard it, and the household of Pharaoh heard it. 3 And Joseph said to his brothers, “I am Joseph; is my father still alive?” But his brothers could not answer him, for they were dismayed at his presence. 4 So Joseph said to his brothers, “Come near to me, I pray you.” And they came near. And he said, “I am your brother, Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt. 5 And now do not be distressed, or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life. (Gen 45:1-5) <<


Jacob felt great pain twice in his life. Once, when his eldest son, Reuben, slept with Jacob's concubine, and once, when Jacob's sons sold his eleventh son Joseph as a slave to merchants going to Egypt and said to Jacob that Joseph seemed to have been killed by beasts. Jacob might well think of disowning his first son and making him disappear from himself forever, but he didn't drive him out. Joseph was a son of Rachel whom Jacob loved most. Jacob must have shed tears for a long time, thinking Joseph was killed by wild beasts. How bad sons they are! His sons shouldn't have done such harm to their father!


After many twists and turns, Joseph became the second ruler of Egypt, which is the same as today's prime minster. After seven years of good harvest, the years of famine began, so Joseph's half brothers came with money to Egypt to buy grain. But Joseph saw that only his half brothers came. He couldn't see his brother-german Benjamin. Joseph recognized his brothers, but they never thought Joseph had become the second ruler of Egypt. Joseph thought, 'Why is not Benjamin among them? Didn't they perhaps sell my brother-german Benjamin as they sold me to others?' So Joseph imputed espionage to them, cast Simeon into jail, and told the other brothers to bring Benjamin to him. He said, "Then I will believe you." When the brothers brought Benjamin, Joseph tested their heart. Regarding Benjamin as a thief, Joseph threatened them to make him his slave. And Judah said he would be his (Joseph's) slave on behalf of his half brother Benjamin, and requested him to set Benjamin free. When Joseph saw that his half brothers had grown mature enough to love even their half brother indeed, sacrificing themselves; he revealed himself as Joseph to them and gladly received them. Today's text is what Joseph said to his brothers, revealing who really he is.


Joseph is a man to whom we need to pay attention, but Judah also is a great man. Judah, in order to save Joseph, suggested his brothers that they should sell him to the caravan going to Egypt, when they cast him into a pit to make him starve. So, in fact, it was thanks to Judah's suggestion that Jacob's household survived the famine and prospered in Egypt, a fertile land. Great men determine great things without knowing it. Judah was one of those great men. Judah was a man of devoted love. He decided to be a slave in place of Benjamin lest his father Jacob should despair, because he knew that his father would be less sad when Benjamin returned rather than Judah himself. Perhaps he might feel sad to know that his father loved Benjamin more than Judah himself. However, Judah overcame those feelings of grievance. Other brothers would kill Joseph out of jealousy, but Judah would sacrifice himself for his half brother Benjamin whom his father loved. What a generous and considerate heart! Judah was such a great man that God loved him much. God made his descendants the kings of Israel. King David was his descendant, and so was Jesus Christ our Savior according to the flesh. A broadminded man like Judah is blessed by God to be a great leader.


Originally, Reuben was supposed to receive the blessing of the firstborn; but God granted that blessing to Joseph who strived to live a blameless life, when Reuben became dirty by sleeping with his father's concubine. You know well how Joseph refused the sexual temptation of Potiphar's wife. Later, Joseph's descendants received twice as much as one of the other tribes when the land of Canaan was distributed among the descendants of Jacob. That is the blessing of the firstborn.


Joseph was a man who distinguished the right from the wrong exactly, and took the right. He made it known to his father that his brothers did wrong. He was not a man who overlooked his brother's mischief and joined them. In the house of Potiphar, he knew exactly what he should do and what he shouldn't, and he rejected the latter without a second thought. It was not until he ascertained his brother's love for their half brother that he made his real identity known to them. Like this, he always had a clear attitude toward right and wrong. The world always repays persecution to those who try to live a righteous life like that. It shows symbolically all the painful life of the righteous that Joseph was hated by his brothers and sold as a slave. The righteous are persecuted by the wicked. But the righteous are loved by God and become the final winners. The wicked, in the end, will have to kneel down before the righteous and bow down to them.


However, after all, thanks to other brothers' wicked heart Joseph became the second ruler of Egypt, and Jacob's household prospered very much there; then what ought to be God's judgement on their sins? Did they deserve prize or punishment? Joseph should thank and bow to his half brothers if they had loved the bright Joseph and sent him to Egypt for study, with a lot of money they contributed, so that Joseph could become the second ruler of Egypt. But they hated Joseph and sold him to Egypt, nevertheless Joseph suffered much but became the second ruler of Egypt himself. Therefore they had to bow their heads before Joseph until death. "Our dear brother, please have mercy on us! (See Gen 50:18)" Even if the other brothers didn't sell Joseph to Egypt wickedly, God could send Joseph to Egypt in another way to make him the second ruler. For example, Joseph, on his way home, could be taken to Egypt by bandits after he had met his brothers. It is extremely irrational to ignore the sins of the older brothers just because the results of their deed were good. God always looks on the heart (1 Sam 16:7).


Why could Joseph become so great? That's because he was honest by nature, so came in the sight of God. God keeps an eye on honest people and leads them to a successful life. God hates those whose heart is so crooked, who lie and cheat at all times. Those who fear God make their heart pure and are blessed much by God. Once God's attention is focused on a man, God begins to lead him from that moment. God gave Joseph vivid dreams, which implied that he would exalted over many people, especially over other members of his family. My brethren, who is exalted to a high position? He who loves righteousness, who is pure in heart, who rejects injustice. In the dreams God gave, Joseph saw that his brothers' sheaves bowed down to his sheaf, and that the sun, the moon, and eleven stars bowed down to him. Here we can see how God makes his will and plans known to the saints through dreams. The secret is this: God gives the same dream twice, or two similar dreams one by one. God gives a vivid dream with a clear message to a man around the time of waking up in the morning, and suddenly wakes him up, so that he can retain the contents of the dream. If you have a vivid dream one day, and another vivid dream, that is, the same dream or a similar dream, after several days, you can believe that they are revelational dreams of God. Of course, they must not violate the Bible.


Joseph could at last realize his dream God had given him because he successfully endured the time of tribulation after he had received the dream of his future from God. In particular, he never gave up his identity, that is, his honesty and integrity, even when he was unjustly sold as a slave and became a slave, and when he was cast into jail by malicious slander. Some people lose their temper and go astray in dispair when they suffer without cause, especially when their life is ruined by others' lies and traps. Joseph, however, did not live that way. When he lived with sincerity even at the lowest place, everyone around him began to think that he was a good man. It was his sincere life that eventually rescued him from the dark pit. By the mediation of him who thought he was an extraordinary person, Joseph could stand before the Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and become the second ruler of Egypt at once. I think there is no meaningless suffering in the world, for God lives who is just. God finally raises up those who have suffered without cause and makes them the heads of those who have persecuted them. My brethren, are you perhaps in the time of tribulation? Never give up your honesty and sincerity. God will lift up your head above many people.


But, in fact, being the second ruler itself is not so important. Joseph lived in vain If he was imprisoned again because he was found to be a corrupt high official after taking office as the second ruler. Joseph failed in life if he, after becoming the second ruler, cast aside honest and sincerity, accepted bribes, oppressed the weak, and increased those who suffer unfair discrimination. But Joseph didn't lose his lofty character from beginning to end. He was so lofty that he became a father to Pharaoh (Gen 45:8). This means that he received great respect from Pharaoh and his servants. A lot of people tend to ease the tension once they have achieved their dreams. Someone grows prodigal when he has a lot of money, and he receives bribes when he becomes a high-ranking official. Someone does absurd, crazy things when he becomes a pastor after a long period of patience and moderation. Someone reveals his identity as a gang member as soon as he finishes the wedding with a beautiful woman. As soon as Jeroboam became the king of (North) Israel, he erected calf idols and made Israel fall into idolatry. Man likes betrayal like that. Joseph was not that kind. He was always honest and faithful to God and man, when he was a slave or was a prisoner or was the second ruler.


Of course, Joseph was blessed by God because of his good character, but you must know he was a son of Rachel whom Jacob his father loved most. So Jacob loved him the more. Therefore Jacob gave ordinary clothes to other sons but colored clothes to Joseph. The blessing promised to Abraham by God went to Isaac. Isaac handed it over to Jacob. Now the blessing of the possession of the land of Canaan was to be distributed as Jacob wanted. Jacob had the right to bless, and it was Joseph that Jacob loved most. My brethren, your parents have the right to bless you. Not only the right to bless but also the right to curse do they have. Noah's curse on Canaan, son of Ham, was fulfilled as he (Noah) declared. Therefore God tells us to respect our parents, because he wants us blessed. It is a great luck to be loved by him who has the right to bless. My brethren, make a great effort to be loved by your parents and your pastor. Imitate Joseph. Could he be most loved by Jacob if he frequently lied and did the worst things though he was a son of Rachel? Someone said he even hated to see his son eat meal! How can such a son be blessed? Even if you are in the best place to be loved, the best place itself can never be a blessing to you if you misconduct yourself. Is a pretty woman always loved by her husband? No! My brethren, revere your parents and your pastor. If possible, offer good things to them and make them delightful. Isaac enjoyed to his full satisfaction dainties Jacob brought, and blessed him abundantly.


(He who pursues righteousness and kindness will find life and honor. (Prov 21:21))


I pray that God may lead you in a good way of life. May all of you triumph by faith in the time of trouble and receive Joseph's blessings.


Chong Tack Kim

                                - Dongtoma Sunshine Church -