ABCD - 2

Sermon(Ps 45): King and his wife

stevision 2021. 4. 23. 15:11

The original Korean text:


>> ... 2 You are the fairest of the sons of men; grace is poured upon your lips; therefore God has blessed you for ever. 3 Gird your sword upon your thigh, O mighty one, in your glory and majesty! 4 In your majesty ride forth victoriously for the cause of truth and to defend the right; let your right hand teach you dread deeds! 5 Your arrows are sharp in the heart of the king’s enemies; the peoples fall under you. 6 Your divine throne endures for ever and ever. Your royal scepter is a scepter of equity; 7 you love righteousness and hate wickedness. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your fellows; ... 9 daughters of kings are among your ladies of honor; at your right hand stands the queen in gold of Ophir. 10 Hear, O daughter, consider, and incline your ear; forget your people and your father’s house; 11 and the king will desire your beauty. Since he is your lord, bow to him. ... 15 With joy and gladness they are led along as they enter the palace of the king. .... (Ps 45) <<


These days, it's very interesting because Korea is in the presidential election season. When the election season comes, the people are treated very well. Good political leaders must be chosen. God so blessed our country that the country democratized, and that the news can say that the country's national competitiveness is the 11th in the world. "Thanks, praises, glory, and dignity be to God only! My God, make this country clean. Make this country holy. Some wicked people refuse truth, persisting in their thought that some wicked deeds are not wrong but normal; so they are trying to make this country the den of filthy people. Some insane government officials are obsessed with vulgar human right ideology and are trying to side with the vicious culture, especially the gay culture. We ask you, the God, to destroy the wicked power of Devil, to break and pluck out the teeth, claws, and horns of the wicked people. Keep this country from the evil. I prayed in Jesus' name. Amen!"


A few days ago, the president of *** University, a Christian university, resigned his office on suspicion of bribery for a transfer admission, shortly after the university allowed homosexuals to be enrolled on the list of circles. It was truly a historical event of the university, for none of the ex-presidents resigned through such corruption. The university has grown up very well in the midst of a lot of difficulties. How could the president of such a university make such a decision to undermine God's glory and dishonor the members of the university? God cursed the house of Jeroboam and destroyed it, because Jeroboam betrayed God, set up idols, and misled Israel to the sinful way just after God granted him the throne. Why should the president of the university erect a shrine of dirty homosexuals in the garden of God, in the garden of truth? The position of a leader is very important that much. It is great honor to be a president of a university or of a nation, but he will be cursed by God first and most severely if he betrays God.


Today's text of psalm seems to be a wedding song for the king. There were not so many good kings in Israel. Good kings are precious to God and man. The first half of the psalm is praises for the king. Therefore it tells us the truly good king that God and man want. My brethren, who is a good king God wants?


First, the king is one who rules by grace. "... grace is poured upon your (the king's) lips ... (v. 2)" Why should a king govern the people by the rule of grace? Because he has received the grace of God. The greatest grace (the most valuable meals, for example,) in the world enters through his mouth. Therefore the writer says, "... grace is poured upon your lips." Not just anyone can be granted the grace to be a king. It's a special grace itself. So this follows the above phrase: "therefore God has blessed you for ever. (v. 2)" Both ('grace is poured upon your lips' and 'God has blessed you for ever') have the same meaning, so they emphasize the meaning the more. The king received enormous grace from God, therefore he must become a benefactor to his people as God's agent. A tyrant persecuting his people does not know how great the grace he has received from God is. A general rules the army by sword (by gun), but a king rules his people by his mouth, sitting on his throne. King's mouth should issue the orders of gracious rule. His rule must protect the weak. A good king rules with the love of God and with the heart of the shepherd. He should be the benefactor of the people.


The king is one who establishes truth and justice. He should equip himself with truth and justice. Can he rule over the people when he himself is false and unjust? King's dual-personality makes his men and subjects deceitful, and make even all the nation rot. Therefore the kingdom can't stand firm in righteousness unless the king himself stands in truth and justice. The king must have a sound sense of truth and justice. Kings of old had jurisdiction as well, therefore the kings must know right truth and justice so that they can judge rightly. See the decisions of the judges of Korea today. Even children of kindergarten would laugh at them. A wife of a man called another man into her house and slept with him. Her husband recorded it. But the judge decided that she was not guilty because the recording was an illegal act, that is, an invasion of privacy, the result of which couldn't be taken as an evidence by the court. They must have passed the bar exam just by memorizing ideal answers of the exam. Otherwise judges of that kind couldn't be produced. They sentence people so, because their sense of truth and justice is like that of kindergarten children. Some judges are almost insane, so some psychopaths become so active these days. I've pointed out the wrong life of the homosexuals and written the message, "Homosexuals, live normally!", on the bulletin board of the Internet site of *** University. However some homosexual students made a complaint phone call to the site operator, saying, "The statement could be defamatory and could be sued to the police." These demented ones (gays) will accuse a doctor of defamation if he says to a cold patient, "Your health is not normal." These psychotics will assert that a man who has sex with animals should accuse a psychiatrist of defamation if he says to him, "You have abnormal sexual desire, so you'd better abandon the abnormal desire in order to be a normal man." In a word, those homosexuals were under an illusion that they were living in America. (Koreans never think that way!) In addition, I uploaded to the site of the university a sentence, "May homosexuals, who refuse to receive psychiatric treatment, but continue to do homosex, and justify homosex by disgusting sophistries, die of AIDS, with only skin and bones left." And the homosexuals protested to the site operator that 'May homosexuals die' could be a defamation to them. Oh, great homosexuals! You're always right! Do such a thing for 1,000 years. Live long! The problem, however, is that judges often give decisions that defy normal people's sense of truth and justice. The problem of America today is that judges' sense of truth and justice is paralyzed. Our judges should not imitate them. The king should keep truth and justice. Truth and justice God defines are the standards. When they are defined by man, they will cause only destruction. Homosexuals who will certainly go to hell later keep doing homosex because they do not know what is normal and are in illusion. They will go to hell, because they became sinners who ate the fruit of knowledge, for they refused the teaching of Bible that homosex is sin, but themselves defined it as normal. The first characteristic of a psychotic man is that he regards the abnormal as the normal. (Everybody thinks that gays' anal sex is abnormal. God also says homosex is sin. But homosexuals think it normal. Therefore they are demented.)


The king is one who has dread weapons and defeats the wicked. "Your arrows are sharp in the heart of the king’s enemies; the peoples fall under you. (v. 5)" A king keeps truth and justice, so his enemies are those who give rise to lies and injustice. The sword in king's right hand is not merely an accessory or a toy. God laid it in his hand. A good king is one who resolutely removes or kills the wicked. A wicked king is one who is a friend of the wicked and a private interest seeker. A king who is lazy or weak does not attack the wicked. A king who does not punish the manifest wicked men is one who hates his people, because the wicked are living by sucking the blood of the people. The king must pierce the hearts of the wicked before they pierce the hearts of God's people. Of course, it is the hardest thing in the world to punish the wicked and to behead them. That's why God gave the king a lot of wealth and honor. This country (Korea) hasn't executed death row inmates for almost 10 years. This gives the people stress and tortures them. It is also the ignoring of the people and the judiciary. The government must not be derelict in its duties because it is not easy to execute criminals. It is not right that a king enjoys other privileges and rights, neglecting a little hard and unpleasant tasks. Think of Samuel. He was a servant of God, yet he cut into pieces with a sword a gentile king who was a captive, because the gentile king had killed a lot of sinless people. If a king loves justice and hates evil (v. 7), he certainly removes the wicked. It is severely wrong indeed for this country not to punish the homosexual psychotics like drug offenders.


God blesses the faithful king the more when he governs the people by the rule of grace, preserves truth and justice, and diligently sweeps away the wicked with a sharp sword. "You love righteousness and hate wickedness. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your fellows. (v. 7)" God exalted President Lincoln to the top of all political leaders of the world because he died while he sought the rule of truth, justice, and grace. And God grants the king the blessing of the nation of peace and abundance. "Your robes are all fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia. From ivory palaces stringed instruments make you glad. (v. 8)" The king diligently wipes away the wicked who are God's enemies, so God diligently crushes the king's enemy nations so that there may be peace in his kingdom. The good scent and the beautiful songs in the palace indicate symbolically that the nation was much blessed to be in peace and abundance. And God grants the king also wonderful wives (v. 9), and beautiful daughters (v. 13). In short, the king has received the blessing of good family as well. A lot of kings of Israel ended their shameful lives without enjoying such blessings. How pitiful they are! My brethren, never betray God's grace. It's really bad.


Today's psalm says of a woman who was supposed to be the queen. "Hear, O daughter, consider, and incline your ear; forget your people and your father’s house; and the king will desire your beauty. Since he is your lord, bow to him. (v. 10, 11)" If a woman is married to another family, she must live according to the rules of the new family, and later should be buried as a member of her new family. If she makes firm and prosperous the house to which she was married, she will be praised by the members of the house. If she is married to another family, from now on she is a member of the family. She will not be loved by the new family if she tries to secure her own right and power in the new family by help and protection of her father's house. Her husband will love her when she forgets her father's house once she is married. The writer of the psalm advises the woman who is to be king's wife that she should forget her father's house. A good daughter-in-law or a good wife is the most precious treasure in the world. A good woman keeps her body and mind clean, is married in clean body and mind, bears clean descendants, and raises them into good citizens, and at last anew establishes the house to which she was married. God greatly praises such a woman. That is important and is a blessing, but some women say that a chaste and faithful wife is a relic of patriarchal ages, an obsolete thought, so can't be a right view on woman today. But they are 100% wrong.


Today's word of God is a poem about a king and his wife. The Scripture says Jesus is our King and that we believers are his brides. Jesus is the King who is righteous, keeps truth and justice, is omnipotent, eradicates all powers of evil, is infinitely merciful to his people. How happy we are who have him as King! We must be clean in order to receive his love. Just as a woman, once married, must forget her former family, so we, once we believe in Jesus and become his brides, must lay down all things belonging to the world and should wholly stay in his love. We must rejoice in and be content with only his love. A good bride is completely obedient to and trusts in her husband. It's a virtue required of her. In the Bible today, the king desires queen's beauty. Jesus our bridegroom desires our beautiful faith. When we completely obey Jesus' commandments and always trust and follow him, he loves us deeply and we enjoy abundant grace he has prepared for us.


May Jesus, the King of all kings, take care of you and lead you to the way of righteousness, life, and blessedness.


Chong Tack Kim

                                           - Dongtoma Sunshine Church -