ABCD - 2

Orthodoxy and heresy

stevision 2023. 3. 21. 11:03

The original Korean text:


Orthodoxy is orthodoxy, so let's just skip it and think about heresy.

Curiously enough, most heretical sects were established by ignorant laymen who had had some mysterious spiritual experiences. Moon Sun-Myung's Unification Church (Home Church) and Joseph Smith, Jr's Mormonism are that kind. What's even more shocking is that they claim that God, Jesus, or an angel appeared to them when they were even less than 20 years old. Moon was 16 years old when he had such experience, Joseph 14 years old. They allege that Jesus or an angel who appeared to them said to them that he gave them a new doctrine because the existing Christianity, church, and the soteriology of the church were wrong. So heresies came into the world.


Is religion a thing that a child can play with? What intelligence, knowledge and character do immature ones such as 14-year-old child and 16-year-old teenager have that they can start a religion? It goes without saying that they were completely ignorant of orthodox Christian doctrines. What truth can there be in the religion established by a child? The conclusion is this. The Devil appeared to those who were ignorant and immature in the guise of holy one and overwhelmed them, taking possession of their heart.


Look, you who are in the sects such as Mormonism, Unification Church, Jehovah Witness, The Seventh-Day Adventist Church, which have been declared heretic by the orthodox church. Do you know the truth of the orthodox Christianity? Of course, you don't. You believe in the heretic sects now because you went to there without knowing the real truth of the Christianity. If you had at first gone to the orthodox churches, you wouldn't have fallen into the evil heretic sects founded by immature lads such as Moon Sun-myung and Joseph Smith.


So you need to learn what the orthodox Christianity indeed is, don't you? You must first get out of that evil sects, and attend the orthodox churches. If you have learn about the orthodox dogmas in detail, you can compare them with the heretic dogmas you learned from the sects. Then you will realize how ignorant and funny the heretic dogmas are. Once you've learned orthodoxy, you'll never return to the heretic sects.

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