ABCD - 2

Don't be fooled by the Devil

stevision 2023. 3. 24. 11:19

The original Korean text:


The high priests and Pharisees who incited the mob and the Roman officials to crucify Jesus might think that they really were doing the work of God. But in reality, they were servants of Devil. Why did this happen? God reversely used the abominable religiosity of the priests and let them commit the decisive sin, because they had hated to obey the word of God, and because the clerical class itself they belonged to had been a hotbed of injustice and corruption. God, by doing so, requited the religious leaders with a just punishment for what they had done.


God says that he will let those, who, knowing that God is, do not respect him but keep refusing his commandments and indulging in sins, live after their own greed. Therefore they live as they think and like, and will perish, which is the disposal of God against habitual sinners.


Homosexual priests have appeared in the United States. Why does this happen? It is because American Christians did not try to remove the filthy sins of America, but liked living in them and secretly enjoyed them. God rightly punished those who didn't want to obey the word of God and didn't strive to give glory to God. How pitiful is the plight of American Christians who now are being taken care of by homosexuals, the servants of Devil in the mask of a holy priest? Of the pastors, there must be some who in fact are gays but who, concealing their identity, play the holy pastor, say benediction upon the saints every Sunday, and impose their hands on the saints. These all are God's punishments on American Christians who do not want to live according to God's will.


If you don't want to live in obedience to God's word, you'll become a servant of Devil, knowing it or without knowing it. The dirty customs of the world are at enmity with God. If you do not refuse them, you'll think your devilish thought to be God's will, and will keep committing sins with your own religiosity.

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