ABCD - 2

Pastor Kim of M church should refrain from rash words

stevision 2023. 5. 12. 15:21

The original Korean text:


Watching your sermon on CTS today, I thought you were a false pastor with a dead spirit. You insisted, on a CTS program (probably '4 men 4 colors') before, that the church should embrace homosexuals. You said in your sermon today also, "In fact the Bible forbids homosexuality, but all matters can't be solved by law alone. The Bible forbids homosexuality and divorce, however ..." You, hesitating to conclude your points, raised a question, "What if your son is a homosexual?" So you gave the viewers an impression that you wanted to say, "The church should not reject homosexuals as it does not reject divorced people."


Look, divorce and homosexuality are pretty different from each other. Divorce can happen thanks to the fault of the other party; and even if you're divorced because of your own fault, you can be accepted into the church if you repent your sins and are pardoned by God, so that you're a sinner no more. The Apostle Paul said that you can divorce yourself from your partner to keep your faith, when it is unavoidable.


However, as long as homosexuals do not give up their homosexual habits, they remain 'active homosexuals' in the eyes of God, and are just sinners who deliberately continue to violate God's strict laws. To accept such evil humans as saints of the church is an unforgivable sin to trample down God's glory and the dignity of the church.


How dare the church embrace 'a wicked person who wants to maintain a homosexual habit' into the church? It can't happen!


Of course, the church has to preach the gospel to homosexuals also, and teach them the right human life. Nevertheless, the church must intensively teach those who would give up homosexuality, outside the temple, and must accept into the church only those who have given up the habit of homosexuality completely. In no case should we allow any who are doing homosex to get into the temple of God. The church must keep the holiness of God. (Your big generosity can never overrule God's holiness!)

Do you know how many Christians are confused by your rash words, and how much your words hinder those who campaign against homosexuality in this country? Do you know with what difficulty they do it? I'm really worried that foolish Christian members of the National Assembly, when they listen to your words, would vote for the wicked anti-discrimination law.


You told irresponsible words as a pastor. The argument, "The church should embrace homosexuality," is reckless enough to make others think wrong that Christianity should tolerate homosexuality. From now on, never say stupid words out of your pseudo-gospel based on your self-righteous humanistic ideas. Christian pastors should only say, "God, the Bible, and Christianity strictly forbid homosexuality!" And a Christian pastor has to participate in the 'anti-gay movement'. Now you'd better try to banish homosex from the society through sermons and internet activities. When you do that, you will realize how harmful your above sophistries are.


And be aware that the church's opposition to homosexuality is to fulfill God's will, not to establish its own authority.


>> From now on, any pastors showing pro-homosexuality attitude be deprived of the pastorship forever. ..... Chong-Tack Kim (Z^_stevision), a servant of God <<