ABCD - 2

The abnormal love of homosexuals cannot be called marriage

stevision 2023. 6. 1. 10:12

The original Korean text:


Homosexuals keep insisting that their union is marriage and asking people to recognize it as marriage, which is a very unfair attitude. The rationale is as follows.


For example, if some gang members enter Yonsei University and drank there for a short time, then insisted that the government should recognize them as alumni of Yonsei University, so, if the government forced Yonsei University and Yonsei alumni association to recognize those gangsters as alumni of Yonsei University, then what an unfair and unreasonable situation it is to Yonsei community! If the crazy government really takes such measures, the Yonsei University alumni will think their reputation has been undermined while gang members will brag about themselves as Yonsei alumni.


The marriage system itself is a sublime spiritual and physical union of man and woman, and an auspicious event for two families since ancient times. Humanity established the marriage system and achieved healthy family and healthy nation. And individuals complete their lives and complete the meaning of their lives through the institution of marriage. Humanity have respected the boundaries of marriage and regarded marriage as a great blessing. And the fact that marriage is a union of a man and a woman is already linguistically defined, and culturally as well, and is a clause of the customary constitution. All mankind who respect the marriage system and live in a marriage do not consider an abnormal union of same-sex couples as a marriage, and will feel very offended and defamed when such an abnormal union is called a marriage.


In spite of this situation, homosexuals' request to recognize their union as marriage is a damage to the dignity of those who, leading a normal marriage life, think homosexuality to be a dirty and evil habit, and it confuses the normal view of marriage of their children. Why should the sublime and beautiful tradition of ordinary people, that is, the marriage, be in confusion and be tainted by the homosexuals who are suffering from sexual identity confusion? Do homosexuals have the right to defile the marriage system of ordinary people?


And there is an unjust sly purpose to justify themselves by wrapping their ugly life with the marriage system when homosexuals claim that their union is marriage. They are trying to use the beautiful marriage system, mankind's precious system, to conceal their ugly deeds and to make them look decent.


The government should apply the system of marriage only to the union of man and woman!


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