ABCD - 3

Problems of the dual job of the pastors

stevision 2023. 6. 27. 11:13

The original Korean text:


These days, some pastors who do not receive enough money from the churches try to have two jobs, the holy job and the secular job.


If a pastor gets a secular job also, he has to become a servant of a secular man who is the head of the workplace, and has to put 80% of his mental energy into his secular job to earn money. Then how can he pay enough heed to the spiritual state of the saints and God's will, and deal well with difficult church problems when he is a servant of a secular boss and works for him? And how can he take time to think about the lives of the saints and to pray for them? The sheep of Jesus have the right to be taken care of by a perfect pastor, or a committed pastor, and a committed pastor must be a full-time pastor.


If you can't take responsibility for the sheep of Jesus, you'd better hand them over to another full-time pastor and find a secular job, which is more desirable. It is right in the sight of God, for you to sacrifice yourself and to lead Jesus' sheep into the fence of better care. Of course, it can be very difficult for you and your family to attend another church as lay saints. Therefore, God will allow your family to be an independent family church.

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