ABCD - 3

The successful life of Eve, the first woman of mankind - Gen 4:25 -

stevision 2023. 12. 9. 16:13

The original Korean text:


>> And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and called his name Seth, for she said, “God has appointed for me another child instead of Abel, for Cain slew him.” (Gen 4:25) <<​


Eve, who had lived under God's protection in Eden, ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge and was driven out of the paradise. Now, what strategy should she make to be successful in life and to end her life gracefully?​


Eve chose to marry a man Adam and bear sons. In this way, she could live a very successful life. The most important strategy of life and the most crucial matter of life for a woman are marriage and childbearing.​


What would usually happen to a woman who neither gets married nor bears children? She has to live single independently, which is a very rough life for a woman. When she was young, she grow up under parents' protection, but when they pass away, she has to live her own life in the world full of thieves and robbers, that is, evil wolves. If she is not married and not under the protection of a man, she can easily become a prey and ruin her life. Even if she is married, she can easily become a prey to others after the death of her husband if she has no children.​


In other words, it is the best choice for a woman, to marry a good man and have good children. Those who would protect her in the late period of her life are her own children, or her daughters-in-law and sons-in-law. She needs a man who can help her have such precious ones, giving her protection of the family and financial support to raise the children.​


Eve accepted Adam as her husband even though he had betrayed her in front of God, because she thought it was more profitable to marry him, who is not much of a gentleman, and to have children. A wise woman does not make her husband angry but makes herself lovely to him so that he may love and protect her and help her have children and raise them. There are few perfect men in the world. It is profitable to a woman, to accept a man for a husband if he would be able to support her and her children, as Eve did; even when she sees some defects in him. (By the way, can she herself be always perfect to all men?) You should not look at a man who is interested in you, as at a horrible worm. Think seriously if he is a man who is able to support your life.

A woman should not make herself unlovable. Will you look lovely to your husband if you like to say bad things about him to others? Will you be a lovely wife to him if you hurt his pride with harsh words every day? Whose loss would it be in the end if you discourage him and make him angry? A foolish woman makes herself a terrible woman, and is rejected by her husband every day and lives lonely. Who of all men has sexual desire for such a vicious woman? If any man feels such a desire, it's an abnormal desire!​


If a woman studies hard, she can go to a prestigious university, have a good job and earn much money, and perhaps can be a famous professor if she is an exceptional researcher. But a more important thing than that is marriage and children. If you graduated from a high school, you must be prepared anytime to get into marriage if any man proposes to you. Especially you must be prepared for marriage as a virgin. You, as a university student, may marry him when he wants, if he is a reliable man who would surely support you and your children. Even if he is bald and over 30, you'd better not refuse him right away if he has a good job and is a very faithful man. Don't be too fond of cool college guys of your age. A deficient marriage life will give you a lot of trouble and pain. I say again: that marriage and childbearing are life-or-death issues for all women, that a man who can solve that problem of yours could be the last and most important chance for you.​


It's not the best option but the next best option, for a woman to refuse the proposal of a man rashly when she is young and pretty, because of her great dreams (for learning and job), or because he is not handsome, or is a little short and bald, or is somewhat older than she. If a woman is over 30 and has a good job, but hasn't got married, or if she is married but can't have children or can't take care of children well, it's not a better life to her. She could have got married when young, and have had children and raised them well. Then she could study and try to get a professional job now.​


What a lonely and miserable death it would be if you close your eyes alone in the hospital without husband or children! Whose money will your money become then, the money you have earned throughout your life while living single! Think about it.