ABCD - 3

Ignorant people's interpretation of the words of God - Ps 82:6, Jn 10:35, Mt 7:22-23 -

stevision 2024. 1. 6. 15:29

The original Korean text:


"You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you. (Ps 82:6)"

"If he called them gods to whom the word of God came (and scripture cannot be broken). (Jn 10:35)"

"On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.' (Mt 7:22-23)"

Jesus said that there would be liars who would take personal gains in the title of Christian clergy. They commit sins ministering in the name of Jesus, and will go to hell.​


They are religious fraudsters who just steal and use Jesus' name. However there are even worse fraudsters, who, claiming themselves as the incarnation (or the manifestation) of Jesus, act as Jesus, deceive and exploit people and even commit sex crimes. They say, "What you do to me is done to Jesus because the spirit of Jesus is in me, so you serve Jesus well as long as you serve me well."

Such frauds so often like to quote Jn 10:35 for the support of their deeds. Jesus quoted the word from Ps 82:6, the Old Testament. By this word God rebuked the officials and the judges of Israel, to whom God's word was entrusted, because they only took gains by their holy posts when they were supposed to be righteous servants of God. Jesus says the word Ps 82:6 cannot be invalid. And this word supports that Jesus is the Son of God. Nevertheless, a man to whom God's word is given cannot become a God, and we can just say by the words, Ps 82:6 and Jn 10:35, that God supports the works of his servants with his authority and power. Jesus himself had been the God before his incarnation. Jesus is not a God who became a God from a man just thanks to the word of the Old Testament.​


However, Jn 10:35 does not uphold the claims of religious fraudsters. Look into the word cautiously. Does it not say >he whom God gave his word< would be called >a god<? Does it mean that >he who has received the spirit of Jesus< would become Jesus' incarnation or Jesus' representative, and that he who has received the Holy Spirit would become a God? Absolutely not! You are a man of false thoughts, like the Buddhist idea of reincarnation, if you think you're a representative of Jesus because Jesus' spirit is in you. The Scripture never prophesied that representatives of Jesus would come later, who have the spirit of Jesus and give new and amazing doctrines. And the Bible never says that the Holy Spirit will come upon someone and make him a God. Christianity is not shamanism. Jesus never reveals himself in another man as a spirit reveals himself in a shaman. We may say from such words of God that he who has received God's word can do the work of God as a servant of God in the power and authority of God.​


Scripture tells us that believers can be filled with the Holy Spirit, and that a servant of God receives a word (or a mission) from God and works for God with the authority of God. A thought other than these, for example an idea that Jesus is reincarnated in a certain person as the Buddha or some Buddhist monks are reincarnated in other persons, is an absolutely unbiblical and completely idolatrous thought.​ (Buddhists have such an idea.)


Whether you are a Christian or a non-Christian, do not believe or follow those who act like Jesus or God, saying they have Jesus or the Holy Spirit in them. They are 100% either megalomaniacs or religious frauds. Some ignorant people who haven't even studied the least of theology are interpreting the Bible in strange way as they like, destroying the Christianity, and disturbing the society.