ABCD - 3

What God expects of women - 1 Tim 2:15 -

stevision 2024. 5. 21. 09:44

The original Korean text:


>> Yet woman will be saved through bearing children, if she continues in faith and love and holiness, with modesty. (1 Tim: 2:15) <<


​Walking along the street one day, I happened to see a plant that has managed to grow up in a narrow crack between two stones on the side of the road, and has succeeded in making two blossoms. I came to it and looked closely. I thought it was a very wonderful plant because it had survived and blossomed in difficult situations to make this world a little more beautiful, whether others saw it or not, whether it was respected or not. Touching the flowers, I praised it, saying, "How pretty!"​


But what a pity it would be if the flowering plant didn't bloom intentionally even though it could! You have planted an apple tree, but it doesn't bloom and bear fruits. Then what a lazy and ungrateful tree it is?


God gave every woman a womb to bear the fruit of the womb. If, for various reasons, the women in the world do not bear fruits in spite of having healthy body and womb, what other creatures would take the place of women to give birth to human beings?


Women, what do you think is the first mission the God has given you? Making money? Graduating from a prestigious university? No! God, who gave plants flowers and fruit-bearing organs to produce flowers and fruits, has given women an organ of womb to bear children, giving them a mission to give birth to humans. This is God's first mission to women.​


​Isn't a woman successful in life as a woman before God if she has done her best and completed the first mission well producing a lot of fruits of womb? Of course, we all have to believe in Jesus the Savior in order to be saved, yet, in addition to that, women who acted faithfully to bear good fruits of womb will be praised by God that they have fulfilled successfully the mission God gave to them.


A woman's womb prepares itself ready to bear a fruit every month, but the woman with the womb, sometimes not being earnest, sometimes being haughty, sometimes leading a promiscuous life, does not live a child-bearing life until 40 years, but fails to get married, and at last loses the ability to bear a child. While she could bear a child, her womb shed blood-tears every month because it failed to bear a child. Is this a good life of a woman before the God?


​Obviously, there will be a great reward to the women who bore a lot of fruits of womb and raised their children well at the Last Judgment. And there will be a great rebuke to the women then, who lived a careless life and died without any fruits of womb.​

There are two women. One has seven Ph.D.s but has never given birth. The other hasn't any Ph.D.s but is pregnant and carrying a human life in hr body. Who is a more important woman in God's eyes? A human life is worthier than all the universe. So, can seven doctoral degrees be compared with a human life? Don't you think so?


Childbirth of women has a more holy aspect. God views humans as his children, and in fact, he is a more fundamental parent than our earthly parents. Therefore, when a man and a woman get married and have children, they give birth to children of God. How important and noble it is!


Of course, there're women who are called by God to a life of celibacy. They are an exception.