ABCD - 3

The two-edged sharp sword ㅡ Rev 1:16, Rev 19:15

stevision 2024. 8. 5. 16:44

The original Korean text:


>> in his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth issued a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength. (Rev 1:16)

From his mouth issues a sharp sword with which to smite the nations, and he tread the wine press of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. (Rev 19:15) <<


The passages describe Jesus who judges, punishes, and governs the whole world by his words.​


An obstinate Christian villain will surely be sentenced to hell at the last judgment even if a servant of God does not declare a hell punishment on him now. And Jesus, the Lord of the church, having all the authority over the whole world, gave his disciples the tremendous authority to bind something on earth that will be bound in heaven, and to loose something on earth that will be loosed in heaven. So, if a church or a servant of God said to a man, who was destroying the church obstinately, "You'll go to hell if you don't stop destroying the church," but he would not listen to him or the church, he will not be forgiven or acquitted but be sentenced to hell at the last judgment according to the announcement he heard on earth.​


As a servant of God, and on such a good Biblical basis, I made an open declaration to those who persisted on the hereditary succession of the church and on destroying the church, that they would not be forgiven and would go to hell if they continued to do that. I gave the same words to the pastors who supported homosexuality.​


However, as you expect, some self-proclaimed Christians protested, "Who are you?" Maybe that's why I had a dream. I can't prove to you if the dream I had was from God. I've had the same dream twice. Daggers were shot out of my mouth. Daggers or swords mean judgment and punishment. I confess this even though I could be attacked by those who think I am presumptuous and going too far. But I think God has given me the dream, to convince me that my ministry of declaration of judgment is legal and right.



Kim, a religious fraud, having no fear of God, has kept doing greedy ministry, gathering tens of thousands of other churches' members into his church, building a huge cathedral, and has given his church to his son. But he and his son are already destined to hell by the announcement a servant of God made, "You and your son not be forgiven by God at the last judgment, and be cast into the hell, if you give your church to your son."


​A church or a servant of God should never make a rash declaration of judgment, but it's not illegal or arrogant at all, to use the authority to stop the abominable sins by even making out the deadly prescription of hell-punishment to those who are deliberately doing a ministry of greedy, damaging the church, and destroying the church. It is a stupid and irresponsible faith not to get rid of the evil but to embrace them with love and patience while leaving the church destroyed and ruined by them.