ABCD - 3

Job acquiring through the eye of a needle – Jas 4:4

stevision 2024. 8. 3. 11:05

The original Korean text:

>> Unfaithful creatures! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. (Jas 4:4) <<​


You will cry when you at last get a job after a lot of failures to find job. You may feel offensive against the companies that have refused you, and you may think, 'Who do you think I am? So you refused me? You all will be sorry!' ​


Perhaps some of you used to go to church. Some of them might be enthusiastic believers who worked hard for God and prayed to God every day. But they do not go to church now.​


This situation can be seen as a failure to enter Christianity, a Heaven Company. Getting into heaven is much more important and valuable than getting into a dream job on earth. You've gone far from church. What made you become a loser?​


The reason why you've failed is that you've chosen the way of the world. 'Obscenity' and 'falseness' are typicalities of the way of the world. And you could become a loser if you put your business and secular things before the work of God, which is a way of the world. You walk your worldly way until you become an adult, and God ultimately judges you a loser. Then you begin to cast worldly thought on Jesus and the doctrines of Christianity. 'How can Jesus be God? How can the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit be one God? Why should I go to church?'​


Sometimes God punishes you when you go the way of the world. And you get away farther from God, thinking God has brought the suffering.​


God cannot embrace those who want to go the way of the world full of obscenities (adultery, rape), lies, violence, etc. Church people, who commit such sins and do not repent and go the way of heaven, are naturally abandoned by God and go into the world, never knowing that they are losers.