ABCD - 1

Priest's benediction - Num 6: 24-26, Mal 2:1-2

stevision 2018. 8. 22. 14:33

The original Korean text:


The third commandment of the Decalogue says, "Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. (Do not use God's name blasphemously.)" To take the name of God in vain is to pronounce a curse in the name of God, for no reason, in order to establish one's religious authority, or to bless those who refuse to repent, in the name of God, in order to curry favor with them. To use God's name as a means for private gain is to take his name in vain.


In 19th chapter of Acts, New Testament, some people used 'the name of Jesus whom Paul preached' to expel evil spirits from men. And sons of high priest also did this. But the man possessed with an evil spirit overpowered them so that they fled, naked and wounded. At that time, the man possessed by the evil spirit said, "Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?"


We know from this that disqualified men gain nothing by using God's name but only are humiliated. It's like sometimes fraudsters are humiliated because their assertion that they are relatives of the president turn out a lie.


But when Jesus' disciples used Jesus' name, many miracles occurred. And at Num 6:24-26, Old Testament, God told the priest to bless the Israelites like this: “The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.” God promises that he will bless Israelites as the priest blesses like that (Num 6:27). In this case, of course, the priest and the people should be completely obedient to God (and without sin).


Priests and Israelites sinned against God, and the punishments upon them were written in the Bible many times. And especially Mal 2:1-2 says, "And now, O priests, this command is for you. If you will not listen, if you will not lay it to heart to give glory to my name, says the Lord of hosts, then I will send the curse upon you and I will curse your blessings; indeed I have already cursed them, because you do not lay it to heart. These verses mean that God will revoke the blessings given to the priests, and instead will put them to shame. What is the greatest disgrace to the priests? The priests regard as their life their intimate relationship with God and their role as a mediator between God and Israel. Maybe the greatest dishonor of the priests is the reverse results to what they have declared in the name of God. If they declare blessing, then the curse comes; if they declare peace, then the war breaks out. If they declare God's forgiveness to the people, then God does not forgive them and inflicts a severe punishment on them. In conclusion, God makes the blessing of Num 6 that the sinful priests (the servants of God) declared turn into a curse.


Some may argue that the blessings declared by the sinful priest are valid, as is the case of Eli in the book of Samuel. But Hannah received the blessing that Eli declared because she had lived a righteous life deserving the blessing. There is something we should not overlook. The Philistines invaded Israel when Eli was the priest. What do you think Israelites did before they went to war? Perhaps all the army set Eli the priest before themselves and sacrificed sheep to God. Maybe Eli might have blessed Israelites who were about to go into battle, "The Lord bless you and keep you. ... " But what was the result? A terrible defeat! Many Israel soldiers died and Eli's two sons died, Eli himself had his neck broken and died and his daughter-in-law died while giving birth. Is there in the world a more miserable blessing of the priest that turned into a curse than this? This happened because both Eli's house and Israel had sinned.


On the other hand, Israel and Judah formed a coalition and went on a strike against their neighbor kingdom. But they ran out of water on the way. When all sighed, Elisha, God's faithful servant, appeared and saved the army and led their war to victory. God heard his faithful servant Elisha's prayer, even though the king of Israel was a sinner.


I've said this because the Catholic Church in Korea has become an abominable religion thanks to her mating with other idol worshipping religions. The sins of the fathers (the priests) are indeed great. I posted this message in the hope that they might quickly recover their senses and realize that they give only empty words no matter how good a blessing they declare in the name of God from the altar. The protestant priests (the pastors) as well, who commit sins secretly, should repent, for many saints are living a destitute spiritual life because of them.