ABCD - 1

Moses' bronze serpent vs. Jesus on the cross - Num 21:8-9, Jn 3:14-15

stevision 2018. 8. 31. 10:50

The original Korean text:

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Once upon a time, a great servant of God, Moses, became the leader of Israel, and he and Israelites came out of Egypt and now they were on their way to Canaan. But when the Israelites grumbled against God as they suffered in the wilderness, God sent them serpents, and many people died. Then Moses prayed God to forgive and save them, and God said, "Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and every one who is bitten, when he sees it, shall live." Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on the top of the pole. Anyone who saw it did not die but lived, however those who disobeyed the words of God to the end with a stubborn heart all died.

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This story primarily teaches us how to restore those who are punished by God for their sins. The point is that when you discover the satanic elements in you and look at them, you have a chance to recover. Israelites were healed when they saw the snake that had bitten them, that is, when they saw the serpent on the top of the pole. The serpent is the root of the evil symbolically in the Bible, and it bites the children of God with its fangs, so it is harmful to them. Therefore, the serpent primarily symbolizes the Devil also here.

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When you get sick, you can't be cured until you see (or identify) the pathogens and take the right medicine. Likewise, all kinds of the inveterate corruption and pain of individuals and churches and denominations can't be healed and removed until its cause is revealed first. In the Middle Ages, some conscientious theologians, when the church of the Middle Ages was rotten, stripped off the masks of the popes and placed the popes high before the people so that the people could see them as they really were, that is, could see the Devil (the Antichrist). When the serpent (the Devil) was hung high on the pole, so that all saints saw it and were awakened, the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Reformation took place and the church regained its health.

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Today, there are some Antichrists (the serpent, the Devil) in the church of Korea, who are putting on holy masks and receiving deep respect from many saints. Never can the disease of the Korean church be healed until their identity is exposed to the saints and they as their true selves are set high before them. As long as the believers of the church in Korea respect them, the church in Korea will continue to suffer from the venom they (the Antichrists) secrete. However, when all the saints rightly recognize them as serpents and eradicate them, the Korean Church will be able to regain its health.

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Who are the typical serpents that afflict Korean churches in this era? They are the modern Protestant popes who are blind to reason and ethics, in favor of wealth, power, glory, and honor. Needless to say, a serpent is he who gathers the believers of other churches to enlarge his church, so withers away small neighbor churches, and hands over the big church he has made to his son or his son-in-law despite a lot of objection of all the other saints. These kinds of men must be lifted up high. Without masks, with their true appearance! only then can the Korean Church be healed.

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The bronze serpent of Moses is related to the cure of the sick while Jesus hung high on the cross is related to the eternal life of all mankind. The whole human race get eternal life when they see Jesus on the cross and believe in him as the Savior.