ABCD - 1

Jesus’ divinity and humanity – Lk 2:52

stevision 2018. 9. 1. 20:33

The original Korean text:

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The doctrine of the union of the divinity (the divine nature) and the humanity (the human nature) of Jesus Christ is as important and abstruse as the doctrine of Trinity in systematic theology. The Bible testifies that Jesus Christ is a perfect God and a perfect man as well. Is Jesus then a strange one who has two independent persons (selves), the divine Self and the human self? (Person, a mental function, is the subject of thought, emotion and feeling.) But Christianity claims that Jesus has only one (unified) person, that is, one (unified) self. That is, Jesus Christ, a single person, shows both divinity and humanity at the same time. To solve this problem, some argue that God the Son took the humanity devoid of human self. However, is a man lacking person (self) a perfect human being? (And the character that Jesus Christ showed was mostly human nature!) And isn't the person (the self) something that comes from the perfect spirit and body, that is, a mental function or a mental phenomenon that a perfect human shows? In other words, the person is not a third entity independent of human spirit and flesh.

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Some people misunderstand about God the Son's assuming the humanity. The misunderstanding is that God the Son took a fully grown man as his being. But what is the fact? God the Son did take not a full-grown adult but a complete human embryo as his own being. However, the self-consciousness of a human being, that is, the feeling of(about) the self itself, and the person of a human being, that is, the human self's personality, occur only sometime after his birth. The moment when the Son (of God) was incarnated, the embryo had not person or self-consciousness. Nevertheless the embryo is a complete early human. So at the moment Jesus Christ was incarnated, he had not the person of man but only the person of God, and his person of man appeared gradually as his spirit and body grew. He had a perfect person of man when he had grown up completely. And here the human person and the human character are the Son's, Son who has been incarnated. This is the case where the complete deity took a complete human embryo as his own being and extended his being to the mature human being. The divinity feels the human feelings through the humanity, so Jesus Christ's human person is the person that the Godhead experiences (or has). Therefore, strictly speaking, the argument that Jesus Christ took only the humanity lacking the person can apply to only the moment he was incarnated, that is, the moment his mother conceived him, for the grown-up Jesus certainly has human personality. Because, even though there was no human person at the moment of incarnation, the human person is formed gradually perfectly as the humanity grows. Thus, somebody claims that the human person of Jesus Christ does not exist independently but only appears through (or by and in) the divine person.

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Let me explain this further. The Son was incarnated, and his humanity grew more and more to a full human being, then he had a full human person automatically. It can be said that here the human person is the person that the divinity gradually acquired as the divinity's humanity grew. Thus, Jesus Christ, whose humanity is fully mature, has divine emotions and human emotions. Jesus Christ's humanity (human spirit and flesh) and his human person can not be separated. And the divine Self of Jesus Christ experiences a full human person through the full humanity he (the divine Self) took, and shows the human person to the other human beings. Of course, he (Jesus Christ) shows also the divine person to people. It is a somewhat incomplete explanation of incarnation that the human person of Jesus Christ occurs only when his humanity relates to his divine person. A full(?) humanity devoid(!) of person unites with the divinity, then a human person appear in the humanity? Isn't it a little strange? The human person of Jesus Christ is a new person that his divine person formed in the perfect humanity he took (as his own being). The human personality of Jesus Christ is a gradually formed personality in history.

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“Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man. (Lk 2:52)”

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