ABCD - 1

Bearing one's cross and following Jesus - Mt 16:24

stevision 2018. 9. 20. 10:04

The original Korean text:

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>> Then Jesus told his disciples, "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." (Mt 16:24) <<

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To bear one's cross is to carry his cross on his back to the site of crucifixion. He must carry on his back the heavy tool of execution to the high place where he will be executed.

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Jesus' cross was >the suffering he accepted according to the will of the God the Father thanks to the matter that he (Jesus) had nothing to do with, in fact<. Jesus' suffering was not for his sins but was used by God the Father in the plan of the salvation of human beings. However, it was not forced, but voluntarily agreed (Jn 10:18).

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In the Old Testament, a man went a way of cross in accordance with father's unilateral need - Isaac, son of Abraham (Gen 22). Here Isaac was thrown into the affair of his father and the God, that is, the test of faith, regardless of his (Isaac's) will. God commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac his son as a burnt offering. Abraham put the wood of burnt offering upon Isaac's back, and told Isaac to follow him. So Isaac was climbing the high mountain after his father, carrying firewood to burn himself who would be a burnt offering. Humanly speaking, how pitiful Isaac was! Isaac ought be a burnt offering to prove his father's faith in God.

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This incident ended in happiness. Isaac did not suffer pain and death, and Abraham was firmly recognized as a true believer.

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But not only did Jesus suffer the pain of carrying the heavy cross, but he also suffered the death of crucifixion. Here, evidently you see the difference between man's achievements and God's achievements. At the last minute God told Abraham not to kill Isaac, but he had his only Son die in severe pain.

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Therefore, to bear one's cross means to accept voluntarily the suffering that his father imposes on him, for the fulfillment of father's will and for father's glory, although he has nothing to do with the affair in which his father is involved.

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However, God blesses those who bear the cross like this according to the will of their fathers as follows.

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* A blessing to be a true son of the father

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Not every carnal son can be a true son. Abraham had another son named Ishmael, besides Isaac, but God called Isaac 'the only son' of Abraham (Gen 22:12). God the Father also recognized Jesus, God the Son, as his true Son, saying of him, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased. (Mt 3:17)"

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* A blessing to inherit the glory and blessings of the father

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God had promised Abraham the land of Canaan and many descendants, which was fulfilled through Isaac, the son of Abraham. Isaac, in particular, was given great privilege to serve his father's God as his God. Jesus also said, "All that the Father has is mine. (Jn 16:15)" The blessing of a man who takes up his own cross and follows his father according to the will of his father is so enormous! You know there's no such thing as a free lunch in the world.

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Jesus said to his disciples, "Take up your cross and come after me." Can you understand its meaning? We will be blessed with the right to share all the glory, power and wealth that Jesus has received from God the Father, if we voluntarily accept the suffering that Jesus gives us according to his needs, and fulfill his will, although the cause of the suffering has nothing to do with us and our house.

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