ABCD - 1

The voice of God that D. H. Lee, a false pastor, ignored - Heb 6:7-8

stevision 2018. 9. 21. 14:16

The original Korean text:

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Nowadays, D. H. Lee who is the representative of a youth missionary group >R*-U* Korea< has a hard time because he has committed a sexual sin against a high school girl whom he had taught in the church as a pastor.

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I think that Lee ignored the warning voice of God and committed the sin, but he might answer, "I've never heard the voice of God directly!" But obviously God said in a loud voice, "Don't have sex with the high school girl!" Nevertheless the voice was not recognized by Lee who was spiritually in darkness.

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That schoolgirl says clearly:

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"I don't want only two of us to be in a room!"

"I don't want to go to a motel with you, pastor!"

"Don't force me into sexual intercourse with you!"

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This girl's cry was the voice of God. Lee, a false pastor who was not born again, ignored the warning words of God like thunder, unjustly gratified his sexual desire, so that he committed a sin that ruined the life of a girl. And now he has to be harshly punished by God thanks to all his sins.

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The price for deliberately trampling another's life to satisfy one's desires is >to drink a bitter cup full of pain from God until death< and >to be sentenced at the last judgment to eternal hell where he will shed tears forever<.

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Brethren, do not mock God! (Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. (Gal 6:7)) It is the basic principle of the gospel that we will reap as we have sown. Once again, you'll be really destined to hell in some situations if you, having tasted the gospel and been forgiven sins, commit sins deliberately!

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- Heb 6:4-8 -

>For it is impossible to restore again to repentance those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, if they then commit apostasy, since they crucify the Son of God on their own account and hold him up to contempt. For land which has drunk the rain that often falls upon it, and brings forth vegetation useful to those for whose sake it is cultivated, receives a blessing from God. But if it bears thorns and thistles, it is worthless and near to being cursed; its end is to be burned.<

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- Jer 3:4-5 -

>Have you not just now called to me, ‘My father, thou art the friend of my youth.’ ‘Will he (the God) be angry for ever, will he be indignant to the end?’ Behold, you have spoken, but you have done all the evil that you could.<

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If you, after becoming a Christian, deliberately commit grave sins (such as fornication, rape, transmission of church by heredity, simony, church destruction), you become an apostate who have despised the blood of Jesus who saved you. Where can we find the blood of salvation to save such an apostate? Are you going to wash the sin of apostasy with the blood of Jesus which you have intentionally disdained to satisfy your own dirty desires? Therefore, the Bible declares, "It is impossible to restore those to repentance again. (v. 4)" Verses 7 and 8 tell us that salvation is completed when the Christian life is correct. The land (a man) which has drunk the rain (the gospel) will be blessed by God when it brings forth useful produce (good fruits of faith). On the contrary, if the land receives rain and gives evil thorns and thistles, it will be deserted, cursed and burned by God. In other words, if a Christian, who has been saved and has the words of the gospel in his heart, deliberately commits serious sins, he will be deserted and cursed by God and will get punished with a fiery punishment like Judas Iscariot.

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If a prostitute accepts the gospel and lives as a saint, it is a very great honor to Jesus. But if a Christian corrupts and commits sins that are dirtier than prostitution, that is, sins such as adultery, rape, inheritance of pastorate, simony, etc., he has become an apostate who has spat at the face of Jesus, so he will be deserted and cursed by God.

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(There are, as a rule, two or three obstructors of the gospel among many who have read an article like this. They say, "Who is without sin? Who can stone whom?" 'The rebuke of the sins' of a servant of God is not merely a personal stone-throw, but a solemn preaching in the name of Jesus. And the adulteress who was dragged out before Jesus was not a woman who had betrayed him, but a woman who desperately needed his help. Jesus said, ">A sinless man(, that is, no one,)< can stone such a woman." When a man, who has been forgiven sins and saved by the blood of Jesus, betrays Jesus and commits severe sins on purpose in order to gratify his desire to the harm of the church, our proper attitude is to remove such evil deeds (such an evil man) from the church so that the church of Jesus may be wholly preserved. The church should not defend the apostles who have betrayed Jesus. He who is on the side of Jesus takes the lead in severely punishing those who have betrayed him.)

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