ABCD - 2

Saul's sin - 1 Sam 15:23 -

stevision 2023. 2. 2. 14:58

>> For rebellion is as the sin of divination, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has also rejected you from being king. (1 Sam 15:23) <<


Some church members said, "Our pastor is under the criticism of the public for his greedy ministry. But we are still respecting and believing him as a pastor because he always preaches only the right word of God." I thought that the religious impostor had caught the Christians with fishing hooks very successfully.


Why was Saul rebuked by Samuel and abandoned by God? Because he, thanks to his greed, disobeyed God's command to kill all the Amalekites and all their livestock, but brought fat and healthy cattle alive as spoils. Moreover he made an excuse that he brought them to sacrifice them to God.


There are two types of religious impostors. Greenhorn impostors (bonehead religion-impostors) interpret the Bible nonsensically and become heretics, but they manage to take very ignorant and stupid Christians from the church and to establish new heretic sects with them. These impostors never get themselves persuaded but keep going their way no matter how hard the orthodox church criticizes them for heresy. Professional impostors (cunning religion-impostors) preach the orthodox gospel lest they get into the heresy controversy, but they, ministering as respectable pastors, rob the church of its wealth, and the church members of their wealth.


As Saul satisfied his greed, saying >a right word<, "We have to take these fat sheep alive to thank God for the victory," so the high-ranking religion-impostors preach the right gospel in order to remove Christians' suspicion, and steal church's money making all sorts of excuses, live over-luxurious lives with the money, and eventually make their sons their successors. And sometimes they do not give up the real power over the church after their retirement, and make the church their possession.


Those who do not resign stubbornly despite the demand of the Christendom and the Christians but exercise the real power over the church, or who give their churches to their sons, commit the sin that Samuel rebuked Saul for. That is, the sin of disobedience and obstinacy. Samuel the servant of God says that this sin is as grave as the sin of fortune tellers and idol worshippers.


You can't expect to go to heaven after you have deliberately committed such sins. My brethren, do not be deceived. Pastors who in greed stole church's wealth, pastors who stubbornly inherited the church to their sons, all will go to hell. They'll be punished forever in the hell among fortune tellers and idolaters.


Who can't give a somewhat plausible sermon? Didn't even the Devil give a somewhat good sermon(!) when he tested Jesus? Those whose deeds are not perfect before God and man may preach a gospel truth pleasing the ears of the people, but it's but a religious imposture.