ABCD - 2

A story of the older son - Lk 15:29-32 -

stevision 2023. 2. 4. 16:13

The original Korean text:

>> But he answered his father, ‘Lo, these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed your command; yet you never gave me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends. But when this son of yours came, who has devoured your living with harlots, you killed for him the fatted calf!’ And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. It was fitting to make merry and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found.’ (Lk 15:29-32) <<


The greatest matter of concern of God the Creator is the restoration of the destroyed world, that is the salvation of sinners. It is very proud and impertinent to oppose God's grace of salvation and to feel bad about it. The kingdom of God is his, therefore it is a grave sin for a man, a mere creature, to prevent others from entering this kingdom.


The above word of the Scripture is a parable that was spoken by Jesus when he rebuked the wrong attitude of Jewish religioners who had been interfering with Jesus' ministry to save mankind. We should rejoice when sinners repent and return to God to obtain eternal life.


Nevertheless, when some sinners repent and come to God and are loved by God, we have a bad feeling about those who have returned from sinful life, thinking, 'Then, who are we who have not sinned but lived righteously?'


But what did the father say to his first son who was upset? "Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours." The second son, who had taken his own and left home and wasted all his inheritance, returned home. However, everything that is his father's belongs to the older son, doesn't it? The older son was frugal, took good care of his father's property not wasting it recklessly, and managed responsibly the property well, so that his house didn't go bankrupt but could stand on a solid rock. The father can trust in only his first son, and will entrust any important tasks of the family not to the irresponsible, impulsive, and extremely selfish second son, but to the first son who has a strong sense of self-control and responsibility. And legally, the second son had already taken his lot in advance and squandered it, so all the remaining property of the father would be inherited by the first son. The second son has to serve his older brother like one of his servants in order to survive without starving. He could never dream of establishing his own house.


​Some Christians lead an uncontrolled, greedy, and irresponsible life, only believing in God's grace of forgiveness. However, even if they repent and come to God with a sound mind, most of the precious treasures of Christianity are occupied by Christians who have lived a holy life in patience, sincerity, responsibility, and self-control, and it will be the same in heaven in the future. For example, let's say there is a person who slept with prostitutes, committed adultery, and became a pastor by hereditary succession of pastorship or by simony. What useful Christian values and spirit can be contained in this lousy vessel? Christianity is not maintained by returned prodigals but by servants of God who practice holiness, meekness, patience, and responsibility in their lives.


The blessings are not so abundant for the prodigals, in the heaven as well as on earth. If righteous believers see the more abundant reward they will receive forever in the heaven, they do not need to be offended by the returned prodigals like the older brother in the Scripture. The Savior Jesus promised that you will reap as you have sown.

When all are resurrected and judged according to their deeds, and their rewards and punishments are settled, those who are barely saved only by the faith in the redemptive salvation of Jesus will see other's prize much greater than theirs and hit their chests for sadness to see that they have no access to such better glory and privilege the other righteous believers enjoy. 'Why was I not loyal and devoted to God and to the church from youth! Why was my life so foolish and selfish!'

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