ABCD - 2

When psychopaths become church members ...

stevision 2023. 2. 7. 11:12

The original Korean text:


If you have lived a sinful life in the world, but met Jesus, the Savior, repented, and believed in him as the Lord, you can become a pure bride of Jesus and gain eternal life. Any sin can be washed clean by the blood of Jesus.

But why would the Devil not do anything to undermine this holy and sublime Christian truth? Why would Satan not infiltrate psychopaths into the church to destroy the church and its members under the guise of the doctrine of forgiveness?​


Like Judas Iscariot, psychopaths are the incarnation of greed and disobedience. They, like the Devil, have no sympathy for others, true love, devotion, and concession. Psychopaths are human beings who, if possible, do not hesitate to do anything to satisfy their greed without feeling any remorse.


This is a story about a psychopath who came into the church. He had a talent for music, so he went to a prestigious college of music, composed many good gospel songs, and was in a Christian vocal group. He got married, and had children. However, going around for missionary music performance at churches, he slept with prostitutes, and what is more, he committed an unforgivable sin, adultery with a woman who was in the same vocal group. It is certain that this man had psychopathic temperament, seeing that he committed such a terrible sin after he had met the gospel of forgiveness of Christianity. By committing adultery, he destroyed his own family, made his first wife a divorcee, took the woman, with whom he committed adultery, as his wife making her a stepmother, and separated his children from their mother and made them live under the stepmother. In addition to this devilish act of destruction, he became a pastor after studying theology, and even felt proud of his life and published a book, in which he said, "All my life so far was by the grace of God."


You, such a wicked devastator, how can it be God's grace? Look at the fruits you have left. Your first wife met you and had her life defiled and ruined, your first father-in-law and mother-in-law met you and ruined their raising the daughter, your second wife had her life ruined while acting with you in the same Christian vocals, and became an adulteress and a stepmother, your second father-in-law and mother-in-law had to suffer such a shame thanks to you, and your children had you as such an irresponsible and adulterous father and suffered so much. How a lot of church members who heard your gospel song performance felt disgusted knowing what you did behind the scenes? That you are a psychopath unable to repent can be confirmed from the fact that you proudly and shamelessly published a book and became a pastor. Would your ex-wife and her family acknowledge you as a pastor?


The evil that the psychopath has brought into the church and the saints is 'a psychopathic spirituality'. In particular, it is a truly harmful spirituality with the church, to be convinced that it is by God's grace for one to destroy the church and the saints by committing adultery on purpose and to destroy the holiness and reliability of the church by becoming a pastor without God's permission. Christians should never envy or imitate such a person. You willfully commit a sin because you are foolish. The wages of sin are fatal.


Psychopaths in the church (those who commit adultery and church-heredity) like to justify themselves by quoting the apostle Paul, but in fact, Paul was a person who was always greatly devoted to the kingdom of God. The reason he persecuted Christians at first was that he didn't know Jesus well. He persecuted Christians because he thought it was a way to serve God faithfully. When he met Jesus, he was even more loyal to God. God used him as a valuable vessel because God saw his pure faithful heart for God. Paul never intentionally committed adultery and cheated others to get money.


If we look at the behavior of some Christians, we can never understand them, thinking, 'How could they do like that when they could just think of the glory of God and the advantage of the church?' However, when I put the key of psychopath to them, all was easily interpreted. They were not Christians, but actually psychopaths whom the Devil had sent to the church to destroy it. Oh, that's it! They were psychopaths! Think of the people who destroyed the Korean church. Aren't they those who committed adultery in the church, illegally took the money of the church, and gave the churches to their sons? From the beginning, they had not such a thing as a spiritual DNA to sympathize with others' (Christians', churches', and God's) feelings (anger, resentment, sadness, regret, etc.). May they fall forever into hell with their father the Devil!

>> I hope you don't meet such psychopaths in your life and church. <<

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