ABCD - 2

Moses and Aaron

stevision 2023. 2. 8. 10:48

The original Korean text:


Aaron, Miriam, and Moses are a family. These are members of Levi, a tribe of Israel. Aaron is the older brother of Moses and Miriam is Moses' older sister. Moses grew up in the Egyptian palace as a prince for 40 years.


Moses fled to Midian when he was 40 years old, where he lived as a shepherd. One day when Moses reached the age of 80, God appeared to him at Mount Horeb and commanded him to free Israel from the slavery in Egypt. Moses said to God that he was not good at talking, but God said that he would send him his older brother, Aaron who was very talented with words. This means that he would make Moses' brother Aaron his secretary.


Aaron served his brother Moses like a servant for the next 40 years. God made Moses the king and priest of Israel and God's agent to the whole Israel. He appointed Moses' brother Aaron as a priest to administer the religious rites according to Moses' orders in Israel.


God is so unkind(!), why did he make not an eloquent and older man Aaron but his inarticulate younger brother Moses the leader of Israel? What a heart-rending pain with Aaron who served his younger brother as a king bowing his head before him!


But deep is the heart of God. He does not make a plan to make fun of humans. The reason why God made Moses' brother Aaron a subordinate to Moses was that Aaron could be 'a good example to Israelites' who would show a good attitude to Moses, the representative of God. There could be people in Israel who were older and more learned than Moses. They had to obey Moses, because even Aaron respectfully obeyed his younger brother Moses. Aaron was a man who kept the authority of God then. At that time, God's authority was exercised through Moses.


What blessing did God give to Aaron who suffered so much for the kingdom of God like that? Aaron was blessed with blessed descendants. The position of priest went down to Aaron's descendants from generation to generation after Aaron. Moses' descendants could only boast of having a once famous ancestor, Moses. The kingship in the days of kingdom after Moses went to the tribe of Judah, and the priesthood to the descendants of Aaron.


There may be lay leaders in the church who are more educated and older than the pastor. They have to be the saints who play the role of Aaron. If a learned and elderly elder obeys the pastor humbly, all the other members of the church will recognize the pastor's authority, making the church a well-organized kingdom of God. Like this, lay leaders who play the role of Aaron well though sometimes it hurts them hard will be blessed with the blessing that all will be well with their offspring.

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