ABCD - 2

God's voice telling me to trust him and to commit my problems to him

stevision 2023. 4. 1. 16:30

The original Korean text:


There was an inevitable test for Saul, the first king of Israel. Whether or not he, as the head of the people, would subtly override God's authority. Saul was really frustrated when the Philistines invaded and because Samuel the priest who was to sacrifice animals to God didn't come at the appointed time.​


God's plan for Saul was that Saul would keep his place even in the extreme situation, and eventually, when God's time had come, he would win the war with God's help, so that he might exalt God's authority in the sight of all people. Saul failed this test. He couldn't endure the long distress and offered sacrifices to God even though he was not a priest. Of course, he might have done it using another priest. But it wasn't God's way.


But how about David? David would have been forsaken like Saul had he not passed the test. However, David kept God's authority perfectly enough to be a good model for the kings after him. God anointed David through Samuel and appointed him king after Saul. Saul was tested by God through the war with Philistines, while David was tested by God through Saul's persecution. God appointed David king and let Saul persecute him fiercely. David fled from Saul for a long time, and he could have killed Saul twice, but, respecting the authority of God who had appointed Saul king, he didn't make good use of the opportunity to end his long pain by killing him, for God hadn't allowed him to do so. In the end, David, unlike Saul, passed the test to respect God's authority, succeeded greatly as a king, and enjoyed overflowing blessings of God.


Perhaps, everyone goes through his difficult time, and I (Z^_stevision, the bloger) also was going through the long painful time. God gave me a word, Psalm 37 then. I could read a verse, "I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging bread. (v. 25)" And God also left a word on the tablet of my thought, "Trust me and commit your problems to me!" If God does not answer your prayer so long, you would cherish a sarcastic doubt, 'My God, how can I trust you?' But this is the very moment your real faith reveals itself. David believed in God even when he could not but have such a doubt, and laid his future on the God, so that he eventually became a victor. Look at Moses also. The Red Sea in front of him, and the Egyptian army behind him. In this situation, everyone will surely doubt God's leadership, crying, "My God, how can I trust you?" But, can 'when, how, and what' be a big problem for the Almighty God? Once you've solved your heavy problem, overcoming the strong doubt and keeping your faith, now you can see how strong your faith has become. Your faith is bigger than the biggest mountain in the world now. If Saul had been patient to the end, trusted in God, obeyed his will, and enhanced God's authority in the sight of all people, he would have been greatly successful as a king, and Jesus, the Messiah of mankind, would have been born his descendant.


Some Christian businessmen run their business on Sundays, saying in tears, "If we close our factories, companies, and stores, we'll obviously go bankrupt." They imitate Saul and show such behavior. Those who boldly shut down their companies or stores on Sundays even if they seem to go bankrupt can become David. You should observe the Sabbath as a Christian even if you could be martyred, but how and with what excuses will you evade the judgement of God at the Last Judgement if you haven't kept the Sabbath in order to eat a little better food and live a little better life? Some ways look like the ways of (or to) life and success in human eyes but in the end turn out to be the ways of failure and ruin, while some ways look like the ways of death like the Red Sea before Israelites with the Egyptian army behind, but are the ways of life and success God has prepared. Indeed, Christians are fearlessly violating the Sabbath these days. Do they really want to be punished at the Last Judgement? Doing business on the Lord's Day looks like the way of (the way to) life today, but it leads to failure now in the world, and to death later at the Last Judgement. Keeping the Lord's Day looks like the way of death here in the world, but it is the way of God that leads you to success and happiness hear on earth and forever in the heaven as well. I hope that you will succeed in your faith life and business by trusting God and committing various problems that are giving you hard time to God, and by waiting for God and persevering long.

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