ABCD - 2

Pastor Kim, don't let your son inherit the church

stevision 2023. 5. 26. 10:15

The original Korean text:


Pastor Kim (the pastor of M.S. Church), according to the law of the denomination to which your church belongs, you're retiring this year, and you cannot hand over the church to your son. Never think of handing down the church to your son by evading the law like Mr, Kim, a Methodist religioner. Do not even ask God if you can give your church to your son. Balaam prayed to God unjustly, and God let him die by a sword later. King Saul challenged the authority of God, and his house was ruined completely, and he himself ended his life with suicide with the sword. King Uzziah also became haughty and challenged God's authority, and he died of a shameful disease.


The church is Jesus' body, and the law of the church is God's commands. If you would use the fame and authority you've achieved so far to give your church to your son by cunning means, it'll be an act of defying God's authority and will never be forgiven. Would God forgive you if you have intentionally hurt the glory of God and the dignity of the church and give a cunning prayer of forgiveness to God? You're just adding another sin, the sin of dealing with God as a fool.


If you have time, go to the court where the criminal trials are held, and see how the situations of the criminals are determined by the verdicts of the judges. I mean you have to realize the seriousness of sin and its judgment. I say this because the Last Judgment will be much more solemn, severe, and just than the courts of this world. The illegal hereditary succession of the church is 1. a sin of treating God as a fool, 2. a sin of ignoring church law, 3. specifically, a sin of stealing the church, the body of Jesus, and giving it to your son. If you commit theses sins, you, your son, and the elders of your church who helped you in the succession of the church to your son will all be on the dock and receive a stern sentence at the Last Judgment. The sin you commit intentionally can't be forgiven with a sly prayer. Don't you know that the sin of Eli's house was unforgivable? "Not everyone who says, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven. Only those who do the will of my Father in heaven will enter the kingdom of heaven. All lawless criminals (all those who have stolen the church by illegal hereditary succession), get out of here (go to hell)!" Certainly, with this verdict, eternal hell will be imposed on you as punishment.


Don't be God's enemy! If you give your church to your son illegally, you'll lose a lot even in this world.