ABCD - 2

Husband and wife - Gen 2:23, Prov 5:15 -

stevision 2023. 6. 7. 15:30

The original Korean text:


"Then the man said, >>This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man.<< (Gen 2:23)"

"Drink water from your own cistern, flowing water from your own well. (Prov 5:15)"


The above two verses of the Bible tell us that, if a man knew a woman's past and nevertheless decided to make her his wife, he must acknowledge her as a chaste woman and live with her thinking himself and her to be one. Suppose she has been sexually harassed or sexually assaulted by mistake or by force. For example, suppose a bully kissed a woman by surprise. Then should the woman's lips become unclean forever and be ignored by her husband forever? I don't think so.

A woman is like a well. If a bully throws a lump of his dung into the well, the well might be unclean for a while, but he can never be the owner of the well, because the owner of the well is the well (she) itself. The dung removed, the well can be a clean well producing clean water as before. The well can never be defiled forever. The defiled lips can be cleansed just by wiping off the dirt on the lips with a wet towel, lips suddenly kissed by the bully. And the woman has never declared she would give her lips to the bully, so why should the lips be called the bully's just because he has kissed her by force for a moment?


Her lips belong to the man she loves and respects. She is a fountain of endless love and respect for the man. And it is only when the man loves her lips after she, the owner of the lips, declared, "Now, my lips are yours," that the man becomes the owner of her lips. Don't you think so?


Adam said to his wife Eve, "You are my flesh and bone!" Let's imagine what had happened before that. God made Eve from Adam's rib and brought her to him.


Adam asked Eve.

Adam: Whose lips have your lips been so far?

Eve: Mine.

Adam: From now on, whose lips are your lips?

Eve: Yours!

Adam: Your flesh (your lips) is mine and my body.

- Adam hugs Eve -

Adam: From now on, whose bones are your bones?

Eve: Yours!

Ada: Your bones are mine, my body.



The owner of a woman is not the one who has defiled her, nor her former man whom she gave access to herself for a while, but the very man to whom she declares now that her body is his. A man who would make her his wife must agree to the declaration and at the same time register her body as his own and love her.



A woman who has become a man's wife must keep his well, that is herself, clean. All the past men before the present man must be erased from her memories, and above all, it is necessary for her to think that men of the past are now have nothing to do with herself and to break herself from their influence completely. And she must become a well that produces only pure water for her husband (the heart that loves and respects only her husband) and make glad her husband who received her as his own body.



Sexuality is too liberal these days, and a lot of wives are in much pain because the men they kissed for the first time are not the men they have married. That's why I write this; I'd like to heal their wounds in heart. They'll be much comforted just when they think the owners of their bodies are their present husbands whom they love. Men and women should not kiss or hug recklessly, and premarital sex even can bring catastrophe. Nevertheless, even if you have made some mistakes before, you cannot give up your present and future happiness because of them. Those who wisely overcome the past are wise ones.


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