ABCD - 2

Expert - Prov 22:29 -

stevision 2023. 6. 8. 16:31

The original Korean text:


"Do you see a man skilful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men. (Prov 22:29)"



Moses was an expert in many fields. He grew up in the palace of Egypt as the son of Pharaoh's daughter for 40 years. He received, of course, a top-notch education. He might be an expert in administration, law, military, liberal arts, and language. Moses was an expert in wilderness life also. He fled from Egypt and lived in the wilderness for 40 years.


God had a plan to lead the Israelites, who had grown enough in number, from Egypt through the wilderness and into the land of Canaan. Therefore he did need a man like Moses who had a royal capability and the experience of wilderness life. This God came in person to Moses, an 80-year-old man who was keeping sheep in the boonies.


God: Moses, Moses.


Moses: Who are you?


God: I am the God of your fathers.


Moses: What's wrong?


God: You must go to Egypt and bring my people out.


Moses: Why?


God: My people are suffering from slavery, so I will set them free and move them to the land I promised to give to their ancestor Abraham.


Moses: What's the name of the one who is speaking to me?


God: I am who I am.


Moses: Prove to me that the one who speaks is really the God.


(God performed two miracles in front of Moses.)


Moses: I admit you're the God indeed, but I won't go.


God: Why not?


Moses: I'm not good at speaking.


God: Who made the mouth of man? Isn't it I? Don't worry about it. I'll give you the ability to speak well.


Moses: I still don't want to go. Send some qualified man instead of me. I'm not able to do it.


(So God was angry and said.)


God: I'll send your brother Aaron, who speaks well, as your assistant to you. So go!


If you look closely at the conversation above, you can see that God, who was to be much more respected than kings, besought Moses in order to make him his servant despite all insults, and that Moses, though he was a creature of God, was too overbearing with God. This makes you almost think that Moses was not a man who had a job-interview with God, but that God had a hard interview with Moses in order to be his Lord.


Why should this happen? Because there are no alternatives to Moses. Because Moses is a competent specialist and God needs him. God wasn't in the situation where he could say, "You may give it up, for there are many who can do it!" Therefore God never gave up persuading Moses and did his best to achieve his purpose to the end. He couldn't kill the arrogant Moses who had rejected God's words several times. God have to wait for at least 80 years to get another Moses.


Be a capable worker, professional, technician, and intellectual. Then the president of a company, the president of a large company, the president of a university, and the president of the nation, who need you, will in person come from afar to you and invite you politely to be their worker. In other words, if you're a useful and competent person, you stand before the noble. Moses stood before God, who is extremely honorable.


Be temperate, keep yourself healthy, don't waste your time on useless things, and develop your abilities. I mean you should be a person who is useful to others, society and the country. In particular, to be used by God, you must be holy, clean and meek. In addition to this, if you are the most competent person in the world, there will be no obstacles in your way.



Leaders and presidents of companies should see how the Almighty God made an great effort to have Moses, and imitate him when they look for good workers.