ABCD - 2

The priorities in your life - Prov 24:27-

stevision 2023. 6. 9. 17:08

The original Korean text:


"Prepare your work outside, get everything ready for you in the field; and after that build your house. (Prov 24:27)"


The above verse is a word of wisdom from the Bible for young men who are planning to get married and start a family of their own.


The Bible, through the words of a wise man with experience in life, advises young people to qualify themselves first to be the head of household if they want to get married, and it says that then they may be married. The head of a household should support his family. Therefore it is natural that he should try to get a wife after he has got a job outside first, and at least when he has prepared a house for his future family (whether by purchase or by lease).


If you, without the qualifications of a head of household, have a girl friend, it may be difficult for you to get a job because then you have to spend a lot of time and energy keeping her to you. And she, not waiting for you, can marry other man if you fail to get a job soon. If you, without a job, make a hasty love with your girl friend, she can get pregnant, which means a deep pit for you. This is a very inefficient, painful situation for many.



In other words, it is much better to earnestly build up one's skills and abilities first, find a job, qualify oneself to be a head of household, find a good woman as one's wife in his much more stable position, and marry her, rather than to make many people suffer much like that. A wise man will obey the words of Bible and surely succeed in life.



Young females also should first prepare to become good wives, then think about marrying. If they get married without preparing for married life, they are likely to make many painful and unhappy, and their marriage will fail.



A woman, who is qualified to be a wife, first keeps her physical chastity. This is natural. And it also is very important for her to be moderate in eating and be in good shape so that her husband has great delight in her. It's important that she learn what in general husbands want about wives, and that she have somewhat good cooking skills that can give her husband satisfaction. (But, in fact, you can achieve 95% success if the meal is well salted. It is foolish to raise your husband's blood pressure by annoying him every time you offer him food that has little salt because you think bland dishes are good for health. A wise woman will sometimes ask her husband if the food is to his taste.) If you're a woman who likes opposing, disobeying, and quarreling, you should never think of marrying before you've given up such bad character completely. The worst woman in the Bible is one who is prone to adultery, obscenity, and quarrel. (The worst man in the Bible is one who is idle and dislikes working and earning money.)



If a trustworthy man with a job proposes to you, you, if you're a wise woman, will first give thanks to God and be infinitely grateful (in heart) to him and feel much honored. You do not have a lot of opportunities to be proposed to by men just because you're beautiful. If some man proposes to you, you should think it cab be the last chance for you, and, if there are no serious defects with him, I advise you to accept his love as gratefully as possible. Because good opportunities don't come every day.


Don't be inattentive because you've been proposed to, for you're not yet married. So you must have his confidence that you're a good woman. In order for him to have confidence in you, you should keep all his words in mind and obey him with an absolute obey. Not a word of his mouth should not come in at one ear and go out at the other ear. But the request for premarital sex is unfair and should never be obeyed.



May God's protection and blessings always be upon women who qualify for marriage and get married like that. ..... Chong Tack Kim (Z^_stevision), a servant of God.


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