ABCD - 2

It's not bad to be a little poor

stevision 2023. 3. 7. 14:23

The original Korean text:


Many people lament these days. They have made a lot of money, but there are not pretty good places where they can spend their money in enjoying their life. What do people enjoy the most? Isn't it perhaps buying sex with money? Somebody has earned a great deal of money. But his wife is wrinkled with age. He has a lot of free time but nothing to do. He eats Cow Galbi-tang almost every day, so he is almost sick of it now. Only the waist circumference increases. Even Golf is not much fun.


That's the problem of the rich these days. They suffer because they have too much money. They wouldn't have that useless pain if they didn't have a lot of surplus money. They would labor if they are somewhat poor. So they can keep their health and moderate weight. Meals will taste good to them, and they will sleep well. A rich man and his wife will plan their future, and encourage each other. And they won't deceive each other. This is the blessing of the moderately poor.


Therefore Jesus taught us to pray to God for the daily food. It can't be bad for us because it is an exhortation of the wise One. He said that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. Do you still want to be very rich? I saw an article the other day that a couple who won the lottery were completely destroyed and divorced. What a curse (thanks to money)!


A old rich man may be enraptured for a while if he buys a young pretty whore with money. But then his heart perishes right after that. Suddenly his old wife looks disgusting to him, and he will have a very confused feelings for his daughter who is of about the same age as the whore. The first punishment he meets is to live with a dirty disordered heart until death. Of course he will go to hell if he does not repent the sin and believe in Jesus. This is the second punishment.


In the Bible, there is a prayer, "My God, make me neither too rich nor too poor." This is the wise life that Christianity teaches us.

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