ABCD - 2

How to stay away from sex crimes

stevision 2023. 3. 8. 14:50

The original Korean text:


Usually sex crimes occur between acquaintances. It seems that a man and a woman are easily subject to sexual mood when they are close together and they lose self-control and commit sexual crime. But these mistakes remain an indelible wound, and the impact lasts for life.


As everyone knows, wouldn't it be possible to prevent sex crimes if you think as follows?


* Put yourself in others' position

A dark cloud would be cast over the future of a sexually assaulted woman. Is it OK if a woman whom you have liked so much becomes miserable in exchange for your instantaneous pleasure?

* You may be punished with the same misery.

If you have extramarital intercourse with minors, giving them some money, your lovely young daughter, with a high possibility, will defile your house with a sexual relationship with an adult man later. If you sleep with others' wives, someone else will sleep with your wife with a high probability. You know in-gwa-ung-bo (인과응보(因果應報), retribution according to one's deeds).

* Think about hell

Of course, it doesn't make much sense to non-Christians. However, even if you are not a Christian, you can't 100% deny the hell after death. If you go there, you can't die forever and will suffer forever. You will shudder for pain and fear.

* Consider it better not to commit sex crimes

If you pluck a flower, it will wither and die. But if you plant a flowering tree in a flower pot and keep it in your house, it will give you joy for a long time. If a teacher deals with his female beautiful student as her good teacher and with a pure heart, she will do respect him and think him a good teacher. This is a beautiful picture of a teacher-student relationship that lasts a lifetime. Are there any delights more precious than this, the eyes and greetings of a female student who sincerely respects you? But if the teacher defiles his female student by force, the female student will think him to be a dirty human being for the rest of her life, cursing him and being resentful at him. Let's say there is a woman who thinks you're like her older brother. If you don't want to marry her, do not have sexual contact with her. (Even if you're planning to marry her, do not have a serious relationship until the first day of your marriage.) Then your good relationship with her will last long, or she will thank you later if she get married to another man.


Of course, all of you know that. However, it is also true that it's not easy to keep. The government, especially the Ministry of Education, should teach elementary, middle and high school students correct sexual ethics. In particular, chastity should be emphasized. It doesn't cost much money, nevertheless they do not teach the students so. Why not? Is it because there are few teachers who can teach this?



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