ABCD - 2

Jacob's mentality - Gen 32:16 -

stevision 2023. 3. 9. 14:19

The original Korean text:


>> Then he said, "Let me go, for the day is breaking." But Jacob said, "I will not let you go, unless you bless me." (Gen 32:16) <<


Let's say that there is a mother whose son is taking the bar exam tomorrow. And assume that Jesus appeared in front of the woman by mistake(!).


If she is a jibsa (집사, a deacon) of a church, what would she usually do when she realized that the man in front of her was Jesus? First of all, she will take a fast hold of Jesus' clothes. And she will never let him go. Then Jesus will say, "Jibsa Kim, I have to go, so you must let me go." But she will certainly say, "Lord, I can't loosen my hands (until you bless me). My son is taking the bar exam tomorrow, so you should promise me right now that my son shall pass the exam!" Wouldn't you do the same if you were the woman?


It seems that so the holy God does not easily appear to the saints on earth. Maybe he must have had a very hard time with Jacob(, so he hardly appears to humans). Anyway, Jacob is a man of problem.


When we think of blessings, we expect wellbeing, wealth, honor, and glory. Thinking of these, we pray to God. But Jesus said that blessed are those who weep now in this world (for the kingdom of God). They are not sinners, but they weep because they are beaten, stolen, robbed, swindled, because they failed examinations on account of God's work they did spending a lot of time, and they weep ... and weep, because ...


What is the hottest love in the world? Isn't it perhaps conjugal love or soldiers' comradeship? These two are love of those who share life and death. The best blessing on earth is to walk with Jesus, to do his work, and to be comforted by him when weeping alone on account of his work. The best blessing in addition is to resurrect in the future, to enter the heaven, to share all the memories of this world with Jesus, and to enjoy eternal peace with Jesus.


>> With what joy will a man, who as a Christian hasn't done anything for Jesus and with Jesus on earth, live in heaven later? <<

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