ABCD - 2

Atheism and religion (especially Buddhism)

stevision 2023. 4. 6. 15:30

I'd like to say one more word to the Buddhist monks who, still not knowing the definite difference between Christianity and Buddhism, like to say in vain that in fact Christianity and Buddhism are the same; so that I may make them stop such a wrong claim.


Let's think about it not roughly but thoroughly. First, Christianity distinguishes between spirit and matter. Christianity believes that God, who is a pure spirit and is omnipotent, created the world from nothing, and made the human, a personal being that has spirit and body. Christianity teaches that the human spirit is separated from the human body when he dies, and that the human will be judged at the Last Judgement. Of course, when he is resurrected, his body will be transformed into incorruptible one. See 'God the Creator' for the possibility of God's creation of the material world.


So let's talk about atheistic materialism. This idea views matter and spirit as two sides or two characteristics of a single entity. Therefore, if the matter has the combination (the structure) of a human being, it displays the mental phenomenon of humans. Of course, this idea believes that this matter exists 'of itself' or 'by itself'. But how? Of course the materialism can't give the explanation for the existence of matter itself. Atheism starts its theory from the vague assumption that the matter exists itself.


OK, let's say so. Then a human identity is valid only during the time he lives in this world as a human composition of the matter. As soon as a human dies for some reason, his identity or his self disappears. Positively speaking, it is the moment a self dissolves to be one with the world. If so, man's life need not be worthier than that of animals. It would be the wisest to die after enjoying all you can, escaping others' eyes. Am I wrong? This kind of human identity is defined by the food they eat. If there is a person who has eaten only pork since his birth, pigs have become that man, haven't they? If such atheism is a fact, it's useless for you (a Buddhist) to lay up good works, for all about you including especially your self will disappear when you die.


Buddhism claims that there is no such thing as an immutable spiritual entity, especially such as God or human soul, because it is based on this atheistic materialism. Then is it possible for the Buddhists to hold on to such materialism and to believe in so-called 'reincarnation' also? No way! A baby was born. This child started from its parent's sperm and egg, and has eaten what the parents gave. This kind of a self can never be the self of another who lived before. It's logically impossible. But maybe there can be a possibility. It could be possible if anyhow all the components of the body of the dead have come to the body of the child, which is but a futile hypothesis and a far-fetched argument. If the child is the reincarnation of one who died before, the newborn must have eaten all the body of the dead, which is ridiculous.


Therefore, it is not logical to insist on reincarnation while maintaining atheism in Buddhism. In order to claim that a child is the reincarnation of a deceased high priest, at least the Buddhists must acknowledge that, even after the death of the high priest, his mental self remains differently from and apart from the matter (his body), and that the mental entity is in the mind of the newborn. But this requires the Buddhists to acknowledge the spirit (the soul) that exists apart from the matter. But they don't acknowledge it, so have a self-contradictory doctrine.


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