ABCD - 2

Jacob, a faithful worker

stevision 2023. 4. 18. 11:13

The original Korean text:


In the past, consanguineous marriages were permitted in the Middle East. Abraham took his half sis Sara as his wife, and Isaac Abraham's son took a wife from among his relatives, and so did Jacob. Jacob went alone to the house of his uncle Laban, his mother's brother. He fled to his uncle's house because he was threatened by his older twin brother Esau thanks to his nasty deeds to him.

Uncle Laban had two daughters, Leah older one and Rachel younger one. Rachel was much prettier. Jacob fell in love with Rachel at first sight. Laban said to him, "You can't work for me for nothing just because you are a relative. Tell me your wages, and I'll give it to you." Jacob said, "Give me Rachel for the wages when I have worked for you for 7 years." Laban agreed, and Jacob worked hard, without feeling tired, at the thought of winning the pretty Rachel.


At last, 7 years have passed. Laban thought then. 'That Jacob is a very good worker. He is very strong. He's worked everything I wanted him to do, disregarding how difficult it was. He'll be sure to go home when 7 years is over and he gets married. It would be great loss to me if I lose him. Is there any way to keep him in my house and make him work more for me? ... Oh, that's it!'

The day has finally come. Jacob asked Laban, "Give me my wife." Laban held a wedding feast for him and gave him his daughter. The next day, Jacob woke up from sleep and alcohol, and found that the woman with him was not Rachel but Leah. Immediately Jacob ran to Laban and protested, saying, "Have I asked for Leah? Why did you deceive me?" Laban answered, "It's not our custom to let the younger get married first. So work for me another 7 years, and I'll give you Rachel, too."

We can infer from this that Jacob was a very faithful worker. Knowing that Jacob loved Rachel indeed, Laban let Leah into the bridal room instead of Rachel. He was certain that Jacob would work for him another 7 years to have Rachel. In fact, if Jacob had been lazy and liked stealing Laban's wealth, Laban just would have given Rachel to Jacob and sent him back to his hometown. Laban valued Jacob's personality high. Actually, Laban's confidence in Jacob was very great, which we know from the fact that he gave his two daughters to him. This story is like an employee who resigned to the president, but the president recognized the value of the employee and refused to accept the resignation, making excuses for one reason or another.

It is very important to be thought by others to be a sincere worker like that. God is much glorified when such a faithful worker is a man of God. Jacob went out to the society for the first time, and was evaluated as a sincere worker. This means that he has passed the first gate (very very successfully). God met Jacob, who had been valued high by others, in person at the Jabbok River and blessed him. God granted a very important blessing to Jacob who had passed the first gate without fault. We might not face a second gate, the blessing of God, if we haven't passed the first gate. Jesus said those who are faithful to small things will be entrusted with great things. You may not be famous, you may work under others, and you may not be paid well or paid nothing; because you're doing small things. But you can meet God in person and receive great blessings of heaven that are on a completely different level than before, only when you have passed that first gate of small things.