ABCD - 3

Some wicked people prosper for a while, because ...

stevision 2024. 11. 21. 11:28

The original Korean text:


The wicked gain power for a while, because there can be God's plan to sort out tare from wheat.​


For example, The United Methodist Church has made an decision to approve homosexuality. At this time, a lot of pastors stay in the apostate denomination lest they lose the pension they will receive after retirement, while some pastors left the denomination despite the loss of the pension and the assets of the church. Those who stay in the apostate denomination until their retirement despite sort of humiliation in order to keep some money become tares themselves. Maybe they oppose homosex; but since they live as members of an apostate group, they cannot help but be regarded as apostates. They will lose the enormous rewards they could receive at the Last Judgement, which are such a big amount incomparable to a little money they are trying to keep in the world. How pitiful!​


Some proud Christians ignoring God's laws in their heart have supported homosex and anti-discrimination laws which encourage homosex today, when homosexuality is upheld by influential nations in the world, and by the media and the opposition party, a majority party, in Korea. They proved to be tares themselves. The homosexual ideology has gained some power in Korea for a while, not because God's power is weak but because God permitted for a while the Devil to create such a social mess, in order to weed out proud presumptuous false Christians from the true church.​


Some pastors received their churches from their fathers and ascended to high-rank priests. This also is nothing but God's means to find out false Christians who have become God's servants to gratify their greed. Aren't there thieves who teach such successful apostasy is the grace and help of God? And there are vulgar Christians who took such apostate teachings as a religious ideology to satisfy their greed. He who loves and fears God will reject such a false ideology of faith while he who is greedy and haughty will join the apostate club in such a trend.​


Those who fear God and overcome the temptation of the present irresistible strong apostasy for the eternal life and glory can be called successful Christians who passed the test.