ABCD - 3

Rich & Poor - Lk 6:21, 24-25

stevision 2024. 12. 24. 11:44

The original Korean text:


>>Blessed are you that hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you that weep now, for you shall laugh. (Lk 6:21)​


But woe to you that are rich, for you have received your consolation. Woe to you that are full now, for you shall hunger. Woe to you that laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep. (Lk 6:24-25)<<​


Jesus said that those who live in poverty now in this world will be greatly rewarded (Lk 6:23), comforted, and will have great joy later in heaven. On the contrary, he said that those who live rich now here will grieve and weep because they will receive poor reward compared to the poor.​


Living rich here means that they are living a proud, honorable, dignified life, while living poor means that they are living an ashamed, shameful, servile life, and that they are living in a low standing, sometimes with the help of the rich, sometimes by begging.​


Jesus wants both the rich and the poor to live without sin, but he says that, even if both of them come to heaven without sin, he will give a greater reward to those who lived poor on earth, maybe because they lived a tougher life in this world. Thus there will be a twist on their lives in heaven. And this reversal lasts forever. So, how heartbreaking will it be for the rich of this world then? They made the most of their wisdom and worked hard to earn a lot of money, made a huge financial contribution to the church, and helped a lot of poor brothers. Nevertheless the poor will be rewarded more in heaven who were poor, gave little contribution to the church, were helped by the rich. Is this fair?

That's fair! Who, living in this world, does not want to be rich? To be a rich man, though it takes great effort and pains, is not so great a thing in the eyes of God. On the other hand, it means he has received more grace of God early in this world. And he naturally has to spend the money he made in such sweat for the kingdom of God and his neighbors. This good work is not so great. Is it so great a work for a man easy and rich to do good things? It is a greater work for a poor man living shamefully and painfully to thank God and not to lose his faith.​


But some of the rich people made a lot of money by usury or fraud. Even if he gives all his money to the kingdom of God and to the poor, it can never be any contribution in the sight of God.​


It is an excessive hope to live rich now here and want to receive more rewards than the poor in the world to come. That's why Jesus, who is fair, calls the poor people in this world blessed.​


Rejoice, you poor!


You rich, don't be haughty, only be more loyal to God!